Today is already 7th in the month of December,2024 hence Christmas is already loading. In this season, there are things we must not take it for granted. There are many that take this season for all kind of reasons. There are lots of things that has become like a tradition today and many do it without any reason. In my area, many make a heavy budget just to satisfy ther hunger and selfish desire to eat beyond their satisfaction.
Christmas is never a season to just eat and dine but its a moment where the Christians commomerate the birth of rheir saviour Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean you must borrow beyond your budget to make other people happy at your discomfort.

Some belief that is a time to sew new clothes for their children and loved ones. A friend of mine shared with me how that he bought new clothes for his wife and kids. In fact, he clearly told us that he both two different pairs of things for everyone.
I don't see this as a major priority that one should boost of instead learn to manage what ever the lord provides. Don't kill yourself ooooo even as a wofe or child.

Its only those alive can celebrate and enjoy Christmas. Be alive first and enjoy all the best moments it comes with.

I wish everyone a superb Christmas celebration and remember to keep my share.
I have been able to do cleaning activity for today and pictures are displayed thus;

Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanyourcity @cleanplanet

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