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RE: Ape Mining Club: Breakeven Point Reached! + My Next Investment Strategy / Punto di Pareggio Raggiunto! (ENG/ITA)

Nah just wondering.. Because it looks like you are getting more for them than I would on hive... But I can be mistaken

0E-8 BEE

Where do you sell the ape tokens?

Ah ok @technicalside when I replied to your comment I didn't notice that you were an experienced user and I didn't catch the irony in your comment and I really thought you didn't know how to sell and buy APE tokens :) !LOL

Honestly I think you read my post very quickly, in farming games I always try to break even and I note all the selling and buying transactions.

The value of the APE tokens has fluctuated in the 11 months that I have been investing and honestly 11 months is not a few months.
I started in November 2021 you only started investing two months ago.

The APE tokens that you bought at 0.013 SWAP.HIVE I 11 months ago bought them at 0.52 SWAP.HIVE and of course when I started selling them I sold them at a higher market value than now or than two months ago: 0.20 SWAP.HIVE

all my transactions can be viewed from

Nah just wondering.. Because it looks like you are getting more for them than I would on hive... But I can be mistaken

Nah just wondering..did you spend more time reading the post or writing the comment? I think the latter but I can be mistaken

I like irony too ;)
Have a nice day

0E-8 BEE