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RE: Promote Hive and earn POSH tokens: Step by step guide / Promuovi Hive e guadagna token POSH: Guida passo passo (ENG/ITA)

Well, thanks for checking, but it doesn't appear that I have posted anything in the Posh search engine either. I am going to ask the man that you refer to me. I hope it clarifies the matter for me. However, the guide does not work for everyone, even following the steps. Have a happy day and good health.

8E-8 BEE

Yeah it needs a certain amount of likes to hand out POSH, we're not publicizing how much exactly to avoid abuse, but it's worth it to connect with fellow hivers on twitter so your tweets get more impressions and maybe reach a wider audience outside of hive.

0.03006766 BEE