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Nice song choice, but unfortunately, the audio quality didn't do justice to your vocals. The mic issue made the sound unclear, suppressing the quality of your voice. For future recordings, double-checking the sound quality before sharing would greatly improve the listening experience.
Also, be mindful of staying on-pitch, as there were brief moments where you drifted slightly.
With improved sound quality and pitch control, your performances will be even more effective.
If you want to receive higher upvotes & money on your entries, Please help to support and expand the competition to new musicians by creating a promo video and upload it to a Web2 Platform like Youtube, share it on Twitter (X), Instagram and or Tiktok and include the link in your entry here. (Unfortunately posting your promo video on 3Speak does not count! It needs to be a Web2 Platform like any of the ones mentioned above please.)
You can just click on Edit Post for your entry and add the video link in.
And you will receive more money for this amazing entry. If you do not, your entry will only be around max 10$.
The promotional video will be valid for 1 month before you are required to make a new one.
Here is an example Promo Video by 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winner @sunsethunter, which is simple and effective, and you can also include how everyone who participates earns money
Feel free to also include the “How To Enter The Vibes Contest Post” created by @jessicaossom which helps answer most questions for newcomers into the competition
For more info on the promo videos, check @lordbutterfly’s most recent post.
GospelMusician/Singer/Songwriter/Rapper/Beat Producer/Pianist/& An Official Vibes Judge
@Verbal-D & The Vibes Team
No problem. Will look in to that next time and bring in better entry