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I feel for the man shingles are painful.
I had one bump above my eye, I did not feel well and the pain kept getting worse so I went to the ER, they admitted me and the doctor did not know what was wrong so they put me in isolation.
My sister was brushing my hair when the doctor came into the room and she told him I had bumps on top of my head like the one above my eye. That is how I found out it was shingles.
The doctor said it is rare to get them the first time on the face and head. I hope I never get them again.
Hmm. it's rare to get on head/face area.
thanks for sharing your story.
yes. the man was quite in pain and distress.
He said it was rare for someone to get shingles the first time on the head. Not that it is rare to get them on the head.
Since I had them in 2013 when I sit at the keyboard and hold my hands in the air, like when you are thinking what to type, both hands drop and hit the keyboard with a bang. I never have told a doctor about it but I think the shingles cause it to happen. oops, now I told a doctor. !LOL
I feel for anyone who gets shingles, they are painful, in the hospital I was on a machine where I could push a button and inject myself with a painkiller every 4 hours.
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