made with canva.
Rentaw, whose real name was Jomar, was born in a remote, dense neighborhood in the Philippines. His life had always been defined by music. Both his father and his father had worked in fishing and now owned a small farm that helped them survive.
Since he was a child, he helped out in his parents' business, but he didn't go fishing. Instead, he cleaned and sold the fish on the street. He also stopped by various stores to offer them fresh fish. This way, he earned peso for peso both for his family and a small portion for someone who helped him get something to eat at school.
During his adolescence, while attending his senior year of high school, he met a music teacher who loved teaching and did so with a passion. Nearing retirement, Rentaw gave Rentaw an old guitar he had kept at home, with the promise that he would practice to improve what little he knew.
The boy learned little by little, but with great tenacity, as he made time for everything. One day, while he was with his friends, they made him play on a central street wearing a cap, and people passed by giving him a couple of coins—much more than he earned selling fish, and much easier, without so much physical effort.
Then his stardom began. He began going to different bars at night, even though his family told him it was a bit dangerous, but he ignored them.
One night, while he was returning from singing, some criminals had been watching him earn money. Unfortunately, that night had been very good for Rentaw. The criminals followed him until he was walking down a very dark street and there they assaulted him. They even demanded his guitar, but when Rentaw refused, they shot him in the struggle, ending his life.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 390 |
Fans | 274634 |
Luck | 110310 |
Skill | 1265426 |
IM | 4960 |
I'm going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link
Esta es la historia de Rentaw.
En un lejano y denso barrio de Filipinas habia nacio el joven Rentaw, cuyo verdadero nombre era Jomar, su vida siempre estuvo definida por la musica. Tanto su padre como su padre habian trabajado en la pesca y actualmente tenian una pequeña granja la cual los ayudaba a sobrevivir.
Desde pequeño ayudaba en el negocio a sus padres pero no salia a pescar, sino que limpiaba y vendia los pescados en la calle, pasaba tambien por varios locales a ofrecerlos como frescos, de esta manera conseguia peso a peso tanto para su familia como una pequeña porcion para el que le ayudaba a comer algo en la escuela.
Durante su adolescencia, mientras asistia al ultimo año de la secundaria, habia conocido a un profesor del area de musica que le encantaba enseñar y lo hacia con una pasion unica. El, como estaba casi por jubilarse, le regalo a Rentaw una vieja guitarra que tenia guardada en su casa, solo con la promesa de que practicaria para mejorar lo poco que el conocia.
El muchacho iba de a poco aprendiendo pero con una gran tenacidad ya que se daba tiempo para todo, hasta que en un momento qu estaba con sus amigos, le hicieron tocar en una calle centrica con un gorro debajo y la gente pasaba dandole un par de monedas, mucho mas de lo que conseguia vendiendo pescados y mucho mas facil, sin tanto esfuerzo fisico.
Entonces comenzo su estrellato, comenzo a ir a distintos bares por la noche aunque su familia le decia que era un poco peligroso pero el no les hacia caso.
Una noche mientras volvia de cantar, unos delincuentes lo habian estado observando como ganaba, lastimosamente esa noche habia sido muy buena para Rentaw. Los delincuentes lo siguieron hasta que pasaba por una calle muy oscura y alli lo asaltaron, le pidieron hasta la guitarra pero como Rentaw se nego, en el forcejeo le dispararon acabando con su vida.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 390 |
Fans | 274634 |
Luck | 110310 |
Skill | 1265426 |
IM | 4960 |
voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace