Yes! It is still customary to bury girls alive


Ibn Majah, Musnad Abi Yabar, Musnad Bazar, etc. have pure hadith

It did not happen to lovers like marriage

There is nothing better than marriage for two lovers!

This statement happened when a gentleman said that we have a girl and two servants have sent her a marriage message, one is rich and the other is poor.

But the girl's heart is inclined towards the poor

So he said that marriage is not the best thing for two lovers!

According to the Shari'at Mutahira, as much as a man is allowed to marry in his chosen place, the same is allowed for a woman

Due to the rituals of the Jahili era and the corruption of Hindu customs, it has been made a crime in this society for a girl to use her shari'a right to marry.

And for this reason, there are a lot of temptations and riots!

In the age of Jahiliyyah, the infidels buried their girls alive and now they bury the girls' desires!


The poor girl lives all her life with a graveyard of regrets in her heart!

Burying girls alive or making them live corpses is still going on today!

In practical terms, what is the difference between those who bury girls alive and those who bury girls willingly, bypassing the permission of Sharia?

There is happiness in following the Shari'ah and there are many blessings in it!

If you read the holy hadith carefully, many secrets are revealed


If the lovers are satisfied, life will be good


If they are not brought together in marriage, they will fall into haram


Then if the boy and the girl run away, the parents of the girl will be ashamed


If the girl is married somewhere else, the husband will be forever attached to his wife when he learns of love!


this is the requirement of wisdom and wisdom to marry a girl or a boy where they want, there is nothing better than this marriage!

Therefore, parents should fulfill the wishes of the child if there is no Shariah excuse!


The Allah who has given man and woman the right to marry, do not go against his command, nothing will come to your hands except trouble!

You may win, but your offspring will be worried about your piece of liver!


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