★ People! Listen carefully, Satan has despaired that he will ever be worshiped on this earth, but if you obey him, he will be satisfied with your sins that you consider trivial.
Therefore, you people should avoid and fear Satan in matters of religion.
"People! Listen carefully! You have a right over your women and these women have a right over you. Be kind and good to women because they are like prisoners with you. You have received them as a trust from Allah. What is it? People! Try to understand what I am saying, I have conveyed (every order) and I have left within you that which, if you hold it firmly, you will never go astray, and that open thing is the Book of Allah and The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah,
"People! Listen to my words and consider, understand well that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim and all Muslims are brothers, therefore nothing of his brother is lawful (without permission) for any man, yes, but at this time. When he gives something from his heart - so you people do not do injustice to yourselves in any situation - tell me I have paid the right to preach? People said in response, "Of course". The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned towards the sky and raised his index finger and said:
” اَللّهُمَّ اشْهَدْ،اَللّهُمَّ اشْهَدْ،اَللّهُمَّ اشْهَدْ.
(O Allah, You will be a witness, O Allah, You will be a witness, O Allah, You will be a witness) -"
★ After finishing the sermon, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered Hazrat Bilal to call the Adhan - after the Adhan, the Zuhr Takbeer was said and the prayer was offered - then the Takbeer was said for the Asr prayer and the prayer was offered. Gaya - that is, both prayers were offered together - the call to prayer for both prayers was called, and the takbirs were given separately -