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RE: Splinterlands DEC-Grain Pool Current APR: 22.27%

Wow then it will be cool to Jump into the Grain-DEC pool from the get-go, I'm very interested in the potential for this liquidity setup amazing bro. Excited for the future tweaks to fine-tune APR accuracy. Hope it doesn't take too long too

0.00112726 BEE

Excited for the future tweaks to fine-tune APR accuracy

It's not as much about accuracy as it is about fluctuating swap volume. If one week a whale swaps a lot of grain and the next week the swap volume drops by comparison, then, the APR determined based on the swap fees of week 1 is much higher than the APR calculated based on the swap fees of week 2.

0.00001034 BEE

Oh wow you're right on that then I guess swap volume is what attention should be on🤔

0E-8 BEE