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RE: The New Splinterlands Proposal: Flight Or Flee?

Most Splinterlands whales that have no ties to Hive

Which is probably wrong. I think a better PR from splinterlands might have gotten these guys to be involved with Hive. Imagine a few splinterlands whales being orcas, they might even have enough vote to pass the proposal to 50% and all that.
Being involved with the chain that runs your favourite project is a great thing, because of things like needing funding, I don't know if you understand.
It's should be more of a symbiotic relationship and this will foster sustainability.
The grass is not always greener on the other side and I hope they do realize this.

0.00115159 BEE

Azircon is a whale from the ones that are whales in Splinterlands and came via the game. It's a matter of aligned interests. Probably a few Splinterlands whales aren't interested in any blockchain (at the governance level). Only in the game and its economy. Of course, if Splinterlands would have gamified holding some HP too... But the more elements are added, the more complex things become, and more voices say it's complicated for newcomers, which it is.

Being involved with the chain that runs your favourite project is a great thing, because of things like needing funding, I don't know if you understand.

Sure I do. But maybe they have other plans, like to sway Splinterlands to move away.

0E-8 BEE