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Plan for Investment
In investment perspective, It's important to make smart decisions in Splinterlands if you want to do well. We have experienced a lot of turbulence, and most of the cards from old editions have lost more than 90% of their value already. So, I will be much more careful in this factor. I'm going to put my money only into some valuable cards and into other in-game items that will gain value over time, like lands or Licenses. As part of my plan, I also rent cards to build a strong deck without spending too much money on my daily battle that provides a good return. I also want to keep an eye on new cards coming out and the price changes that might happen. I can buy cards at the right time, and I am waiting for that time now.
Dear @tanzil2024 !
Are you making money using Splinterlands?😯
Yeah, I think I have ben accumulating funds through the game.