Hey Splintermates, what's up? Here I am, looking forward to the challenge of Splinterlands and ready to beat anyone who stands in my way.
Well before going to the coliseum and defeating all my rivals, I need to know how everything works. If you haven't noticed, I'm a newbie in this game and for that I'm going to do a practice battle.
To my surprise, in practice I realized that I had to get some cards that are essential to me, so I rented:
But I am very clear that to be an undefeated gladiator I have to get some important cards from the game and for them I will invest about $300 in the game and I hope that with that investment I can always come out victorious.
I would like to share with you the plan I have for this account. There have been several reasons why I have finally decided to do it:
Practice with Rebellion cards: NOMOS, RISQRUEL DRATH, and ELIAS MAX PRUITT. I'm planning ahead for the shift to the Modern format and trying to buy the best Rebellion cards before their prices go up.
I intend to belong to a guild, I have already sent some requests to join but nobody has answered me yet and I suppose it is because the groups are already well. So if someone sends me an invitation I would appreciate it.
Well, having said all this, I will now tell you how the practice battle went.
For this I chose the summoner Kelya Frendul, who gives me defense and determination in case things get ugly.
If you've made it to the end, thank you very much for reading. And if you'd like to support me by delegating some letters, I'd love to.