Splinterlands battle mage secrets | Earthquake


The new weekly Share your Battle Challenge has been replaced by the Baggle Mage Secrets Challenge. The new challenge is no longer about a single card, but about a rule for the battles.

I like this very much, so one has more flexibility what one wants to show. Also, it is important for all newcomers to understand the single rules to be able to understand which cards can work well.
This also helps enormously in the guild brawls to achieve better results.

Click here for my series of articles about the Gladius cards!



Description: All non-flying units take 2 physical damage at the end of every turn.
Snared units are considered non-flying. Since the damage given is physical, it can be reduced to 1 if the unit has the shield ability.

The earthquake ruleset is one of the most interesting. There are basically two main ways to deal with this rule. Option 1 is the Flying ability and option number 2 is Armor. You can also opt for cards with a lot of hit points, but that's basically the same as method 2.

Snare helps against Flying and Armor is best dealt with by Shatter. So you see there are many options and ways to deal with this rule.
Which way I choose depends of course on the playable splinters and what other rules there are.
But I prefer Death & Life because they have a lot of cards with Flying, or Water because there is a lot of Armor.

My match had the following setup:

Lost Legendarys, Target Practice and, of course, Earthquakes. 34 Mana, Fire, Earth and Death playable as Splinter. I clearly choose Death!




Thaddius is my only Deathsummoner but to be honest that's enough for me. Malus on magic damage and hit points are almost always useful. Here with Earthquake, the reduction of hit points on the opponent is worth its weight in gold! And since Earth is also a choice in this match, the 2nd ability could be useful.


One of the cheapest cards ever and yet often very useful. The deciever has 10 hit points and flying, while also having a good speed. Exactly what I am looking for.

Position 2

With Target Ppractice there is another rule in this fight, which I have to pay attention to. Will-O-Wisp serves me as a snipe tank here, and conveniently has another useful ability in Weaken.

Position 3

On the 3rd position follows the Riftwing, it serves as a backup tank. By positioning it, it can perhaps build up a certain HP buffer before it is used. He also has Flying and Backfire, so if the opponent has rather slow melee or ranged attackers, then this is another advantage.

Position 4

The Bonesmith is one of my favorite cards from Deathsplinter. The combination of Poison and magic damage is just great. Plus Lifeleech, if he has long enough he becomes a monster!

Position 5

The new matyr cards are a great change. They let us reinforce targeted cards. Especially with rules like Earthquake and Noxius Fumes, the cards are great because it's only a matter of time before Matyr is triggered.

Position 6

In the last position comes the Gargoya Devil. Since he has Flying and Armor, he serves me here as a sneak tank, among other things. Sure, 3 hit points aren't much, but he can take 1 hit and sometimes that's enough.


The Battle


My opponent today is even from my guild family! I'm up against an Earth Team. This is good, because Thaddius weakens such a team well. But despite the weakening, there's still a fair amount of damage piling up on my team.... My advantage: Due to the double weakening, the opponents have few hit points, which is fatal with Erathquake.


The earthquake also directly caused its first victim. Also on my side the hit points have dropped, but thanks to the many Flying cards time is playing for me!


Round 3 before the earthquake, the thing is already done. But what I still want to show you is the benefit of the Matyr cards. both the Devil and the Bonesmith are equipped with additional damage. Sure the Bonesmith has a problem with the Earthquake, but the Devil does not.
If there was an Uriel on the opponent's side, for example, I might even be able to take on this powerful card. and that's only thanks to a little Rat!


After the earthquake both cards with buff and the match takes its course.


Only a short time later it's over, GG!


As obvious as it may seem, I'll mention it here anyway. The Flying cards are extremely strong in this ruleset, and unless your opponent is running Vera Salacia out of the field, they always have the advantage.
We have also seen how strong the debuffs can be. 2 hit points less in this match means you can survive the earthquake one turn longer or not. This is quite relevant because dead creatures don't do any damage!

As always, the accompanying rules or the specific combination are crucial for your own setup.

See you soon on the battlefield!

The fight in full length is available here!


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top post and great battle oh Captain my Captain!

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Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

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