Definitely healer mints, players will need healers to play and the beta is meant to officially "start" the game, i.e. everyone starts at lvl 1 healers, lvl 1 creatures and 0 professions learned. Beta vials are meant for the "later crowd" along with "beta healers" by then, although that may not sound great lol, basically alpha healers will be limited supply compared to alpha vials and the next generation of healers will be slightly different looking at the base.
Definitely healer mints, players will need healers to play and the beta is meant to officially "start" the game, i.e. everyone starts at lvl 1 healers, lvl 1 creatures and 0 professions learned. Beta vials are meant for the "later crowd" along with "beta healers" by then, although that may not sound great lol, basically alpha healers will be limited supply compared to alpha vials and the next generation of healers will be slightly different looking at the base.
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