What do you think? Chirple flying | Fan Art

Chirple is so far the only bird along with its evolution that the Holozing team has created. I have always liked birds, in Pokemon my favorite was Pidgeot, but I also used others while playing.

Birds have many advantages, they are fast, they are not affected by the earthquake and they have an ability to hit many creatures of other elements. I hope that Chirple and Chirpili also have these abilities, that way they can take advantage of them greatly.

I wanted to draw her this time for a change, I was undecided on how to do it, at times I just wanted to place her on a branch but I think this position fits her much better, she is taking flight and preparing to attack a holo that is coming towards her, I hope you like it.

Artwork Steps


I liked the drawing quite a lot, drawing birds can be a challenge because of their plumage but I think these wings looked pretty good.


Line art

I used a fine tip pen, I don't usually do line art because I don't have markers, but I ventured with this pen and the finish was excellent.



Painting Chirple is challenging because he has several shades of green, I used several colors and different strength in each of them, that way I could take advantage of the tones and make each of them blend harmoniously. The rest of the colors was a little simpler, I used gray for shading and in the beak I used the same technique with yellow and pink.






I wanted to make a background to avoid leaving it all white but I only gave it a blue tone, not so strong because the main figure is Chirple, add the details and ready, the fan art of our first flying holo finished.


Thanks for reading

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This is really pretty

0E-8 BEE

Thanks buddy

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Very colorful, the truth is that all these creatures are very eye-catching.

0E-8 BEE

That's right, quite eye-catching, no doubt. Greetings

0E-8 BEE