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RE: PKM - PeakMonsters Token and Airdrop

but I did sell a lot using peakmonsters, does that count?

Nope, only purchases.

I used to buy packs before.

We stopped selling packs more than 1 year ago as Splinterlands removed that option. So for sure packs don't qualify for the 1 year rolling volume.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for clarifying everything.

I have been a big user of peakmonsters, renting cards for a while and also selling a lot of cards recently. I understand I don't qualify for the airdrop as it's only for purchases but I still feel left out, it's not like I haven't used the website or paid fees to peakmonsters.

But I understand it's not your fault if you can't quantify the rentals accurately. I don't know why selling does not count though...

0E-8 BEE