( EN / DE ) This week we go on an imaginative, utopian and futuristic journey with our Ecency Discord Posting Topic!
Diese Woche begeben wir uns auf eine fantasievolle, utopische und futuristische Reise mit unserem Ecency Discord Posting Topic!
This new #edtopic came up once again in a conversation on the ecency discord server. @stresskiller has become a grandfather and our dear @dickturpin faced the same a few months ago.
So we ended up at the point that roundabout 100 is a good age but then it's good and enough. Until another thought came up...
Zu dem Thema kam es wieder einmal in einem Gespräch auf dem ecency discord Server. @stresskiller ist Großvater geworden und auch unserem lieben @dickturpin erging es vor ein paar Monaten so.
So sind wir bei dem Punkt gelandet, dass 100 ein gutes Alter ist und dann ist aber auch gut. Bis ein anderer Gedanke auftauchte...
"A revolutionary therapy is invented. Everyone rejuvenates, physically reaches a young age and from then on has the certainty that he can live 1000 years fit and healthy!"
"Eine revolutionäre Therapie wird erfunden. Jeder verjüngt sich wieder, erreicht körperlich ein junges Alter und hat von da an die Gewissheit, dass er 1000 Jahre fit und gesund leben kann!"
Fascinating? Ingenious? Deterrent?
Me and @rimurutempest then also thought of the amazon series "upload" where you can live forever not physically but in a virtual world.
He also mentioned that there were studies, our brain can only store a maximum of 300 years!?
I thought: "1000 years long chatting with Mick and Pete?" ;-)
Faszinierend? Genial? Abschreckend?
Mir und @rimurutempest kam dann auch die amazon Serie "upload" in den Sinn, wo man zwar nicht körperlich, aber in einer virtuellen Welt ewig leben kann.
Auch erwähnte er, dass es Studien gäbe, unser Gehirn könne nur maximal 300 Jahre speichern!?
Ich dachte dann noch: "1000 Jahre lange mit Mick und Pete chatten?" ;-)
Also the idea came up, if then finally the time travels are invented to travel back to get enough money for 1000 years. But, if everyone does, will it still work?
Es kam die Idee auf, wenn dann endlich die Zeitreisen erfunden werden zurück zu reisen um sich finanziell abzusichern. Aber, wenn das alle tun, funktioniert das dann noch?
You see, for the topic this week there are once again infinite possibilities to deal with and I wish you a lot of fun and maybe also insights about your current life.
Ihr seht, für das Thema diese Woche gibt es einmal mehr unendlich viele Möglichkeiten um sich damit auseinander zu setzen und ich wünsche euch viel Spass und vielleicht auf Erkenntnisse über euer jetziges Leben dadurch!
You know, as always with our topics, it's up to you how you approach the term. Your general thoughts or write a story, maybe take some nice photos or whatever comes to your mind.
Wie immer bei unseren Themen bleibt es euch überlassen, wie ihr euch dem Begriff nähert. Eure allgemeinen Gedanken oder eine Geschichte schreibt, vielleicht ein paar schöne Fotos macht oder was auch immer euch dazu einfällt.
Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic is open for everyone on chain! No need to be an ecency discord member, no need to use ecency to post, no need to post into Ecency Community. Ecency Discord's wöchentliches Posting Thema ist offen für jeden auf der blockchain! Ihr müsst kein Ecency Discord Mitglied sein, ihr müsst Ecency nicht benutzen um zu posten, ihr müsst nicht in der Ecency Community posten.
Use TWO TAGS: #edtopic AND #ecencydiscord
Write at least 200 words, take your time to make a good content post out of the topic Schreibe mindestens 200 Wörter, nimm dir Zeit, um einen guten Beitrag aus dem Thema zu machen
At the moment we welcome "only english" or "only german" written posts. Other laguages in bilingual posts welcome, as long as one of the languages is English.
Zurzeit sind Posts zum edtopic auf "nur deutsch", "nur englisch" oder bilingual (eine der Sprachen englisch) möglich.
No need to mention that it should be your own content! Unnötig zu erwähnen, dass es dein eigener Inhalt sein soll, oder?
Why use those tags? Because you are free to post in any community you choose and so we can find your postings with the tags, second, because we want our Discord members to interact more with each other on chain as well, and this is a possibility to find each other and leaving a nice comment.
#edtopic is reserved for the weekly posting topics only, but #ecencydiscord can be used, whenever you want.
Warum diese Tags? Zum einen, weil es euch freisteht, in jeder beliebigen Community zu posten, und wir so eure Beiträge über die Tags finden können, zum anderen, weil wir wollen, dass unsere Discord-Mitglieder auch on chain mehr miteinander interagieren, und dies ist eine Möglichkeit, sich gegenseitig zu finden und einen netten Kommentar zu hinterlassen.
#edtopic ist nur für die wöchentlichen Posting-Themen reserviert, aber #ecencydiscord kann verwendet werden, wann immer ihr wollt.
For the theme "SEASON CHANGE" of the last weeks 50 Ecency points go to each:
Für das Thema "SEASON CHANGE" der letzten Wochen gehen jeweils 50 Ecency Punkte an:
@stresskiller @captainloken @qwerrie @ijohnsen @asgharali @funshee @princessbusayo @mypathtofire
autumn macro etudes .:. 15 foto by @qwerrie
New topic 1000 YEARS
Make a great post, read the rules above ( !!! ), dont forget the 2 tags and if you have questions, please just ask in the comments or join us in ecency discord.
Macht einen tollen Beitrag, lest die Regeln oben ( !!! ), denkt an die beiden tags und wenn ihr Fragen habt, fragt einfach in den Kommentaren oder schließt euch uns im ecency discord an.
++Wie gesagt "nur deutsch" posts zu dem Thema herzlichst willkommen :-)++
Ecency Points sponsored by @ecency @melinda010100 and @good-karma thank you very much!
This posting topic is open to everyone, not only for ecency discord members or people using ecency, no, for everyone on hive!
Dieses Posting-Thema ist offen für alle, nicht nur für ecency discord Mitglieder oder Leute die ecency benutzen, nein, für alle auf hive!
Have fun posting and use your chance to be seen and grow your account in a quiet chain time :-) Yours, B.
Each 10% beneficiaire from this post go to @rimurutempest @dickturpin and @stresskiller as a thank you for inspiration.
Please just be aware, if you join in it could be, that your post with one of your photos will be shown in the next Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic post.
Bitte denkt daran, wenn ihr mitmacht, könnte es sein, dass euer Posting mit einem eurer Fotos im nächsten Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic Post gezeigt wird.
Contest Picture Unsplash , edited by me with corel draw
Other pictures from the persons / posts mentioned
Danke für die Ecency Punkte! Diese Woche wird spannend. 😎👌
Ja ich überlege ob ich diesmal auch mal wieder einen Beitrag schreibe :-)
Thank you very much for the ecency point and happy new week to you @beeber
It is time we travel into the future 🥰 through our imagination.
Youre welcome :-) lets do the time travel
thanks! the new topic is quite curious and challenging!
Yes it is a challenge, I mean 1000 years! Thats a long time :-)
Thank you for the Ecency point @beeber 🤩🤩
This is another wonderful topic for the week.
Thank you for joining in, glad you like the new topic too :-)
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @beeber, @dickturpin ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
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.Hey @beeber, here is a little bit of
from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Did you know that
Great Edtopic! ♥️ This should fire up a few imaginations!
!LUV curious wich insights we will get :-)
@beeber(1/4) gave you LUV.
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HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @melinda010100.
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What I really like about this incentive that you run is the way the subject title is arrived at. Back in the day, when I was co-hosting a podcast show, we would discover the title of the episode in exactly the same way. Sure we'd have the content already mapped out and pretty much what we intended to do, but we subscribed to what we liked to call "Free Fall Conversation." a discussion that would just go off on weird tangents and bizarre subjects almost like a 'Trip' but without the LSD and it was often during these "Off-Topic" moments that some of our best show titles [and shows] emerged.
As a side note, I'd like to thank you, @beeber, for all the hard work you put in with regard the @ecency community, both in promoting these sorts of posting ideas and incentives and the encouragement you provide on Discord.
In the FOSS community, we have a saying: "We stand on the shoulders of giants!" and you (And a few others) are certainly my giants.
Pete #hugs
Oh I forgot to answer!
Its the one thing I like most in our ecency discord, there are no giants, just all together side by side on one level
So I have to thank you :-)
@beeber(1/4) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Thank you for the ecency point I really appreciate.
A very nice contest, I hope that creativity and time allow me to participate
Would be great to see you joining #edtopic
@mllg! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @beeber. (4/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

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Thanks a lot! @beeber
Not sure if I want to live 1000 years. Especially if the people I love can't be with me.
As far as time travel I would love to go back and make different choices in parts of my life.
@beeber! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (4/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀
What if the ones you love can also live so long? Maybe you wanna join #edtopic with your thoughts
@lisamgentile1961! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @beeber. (3/10)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

That would be a whole different story. If we all were living that long and healthy it would be awesome.