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RE: Cine Kids - Do You Remember The First Time You Went To The Cinema?

Just a warning! I am old so my first memory is seeing the original Star Wars in 1977! I was five at the time. I'm sure I had gone before that but that is the first one stuck in my memory! This is a great post, thanks!

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I watched A New Hope in '77 with children! My two step daughters. It was magical and I still watch it routinely.

0E-8 BEE

Star wars... I Loove the original ones the most 😜 and it is one of the BEST classics ever.

0E-8 BEE

Definitely, I remember being hooked after the first one and was really exited when Empire Strikes Back came out!

0E-8 BEE

No warning needed, everyone is welcome here! If you have kids, if you have grandkids or nieces etc, not going to exclude anyone here :)

Thank you for leaving a comment and thank you for the compliment.. I hope to see you back in future posts to bring back other memories..

Have a good weekend...

Posted using CineTV

0E-8 BEE