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Welcome to this week's new CineTV Community Newspaper.

I don't know what it's like in the rest of the world, but here in my little corner of the world we've had the first night of freezing cold. And that in itself is not wrong, of course. That's actually nice... Because even though energy prices are high at the moment, we've been out in the cold long enough. So we let the stove burn, and outside cold and dark, with inside the stove burning and cozy candlelight, which of course creates ideal conditions for a cozy movie night. What do you say to that?


I'll let you know as soon as there is important news, but for now ... we just skip this part and go straight to the #writingprompts that you can find on our TWITTER account. To find an interesting writing prompt to your liking, I would like to invite you to our Twitter account. You can use any writing prompt at any time, and of course this also gives an extra chance for curation.

And even though we very much like you to go over to our Twitter, we have a weekly post with some of our writingprompts. It's there for you to read how the writing prompts came about, but of course you can also use this blog for inspiration if you get stuck looking for a topic to blog about!

Let's move on to our Contest!


Seeing the topic this week made me think of two things. The first is a series that everyone will probably know. The Knight Rider… Did anyone actually swoon more for David Hasselhoff in those days? I'm actually curious about that and like to read it in the comments. Now I have to say that not only did I find David interesting, I actually found KITT much more interesting. So much so that I dreamed of the day I could own a KITT. It has remained a dream to this day. LOL.

The second thing I thought of was the movie, "THE CAR". And this was also an intelligent car that could drive itself as far back as I can remember. Only this car was a bit less friendly than KITT was. You didn't want to encounter this car when you were on the street in the dark ...

So far my thoughts on this contest. I will not write a full blog here. That's not what the newspaper is for. In any case, you probably figured out what the topic for this week's contest is, right? This week's contest is that we are looking for: Your favorite movie vehicle

Let your storytelling talent come to life, summon all the witches and convince us with eerily good emotions. If you already submitted your entry, GREAT! If you still have to write it, the submission deadline is The submission deadline is 22th November, 2022, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

As you know by now, We love to read your personal stories, not only blogs written for the contest. Why is that one movie or series so special to you? What impact has it had on you? Did a movie or series change your mind about certain things? Just to name a few examples.

Our Movie Star of the Week is the next part of the newspaper. The Movie Star of the week challenge is a challenge that is NOT intended to become a second wikipedia or IMBD. It is NOT meant to take info from the internet and reiterate this info in your own words in a blog.

This challenge is meant to let your personal opinion be heard.

If no blog or comment meets these conditions, then we will not distribute CINE tokens. We take the 100 CINE that would have been there for that week to the next week, and eventually the person who writes the comment, or the blog that does meet the conditions, has a chance to win a lot more CINE at once. But again, only comments or blogs that meet the condition have a chance.

And again, the only condition is that it is your own opinion. No biography about the actor or actress. No filmography of the actor or actress. No! We want to read your opinion.

So let's quickly take a look at what ya'll thought about Meg Ryan.

We had 1 one blog and 1 comment.

For me personally, the blog that we received was just a little too focused on the films Meg played in, and less on what the writer thought of Meg. I understand from the blog that the writer doesn't have a very strong opinion of Meg herself, nor could she think of an active memory of it. Which can! Because I appreciate the effort taken, I still want to reward this blog with 10 Cine tokens.

The comment was based on a personal opinion... and that's what we want to see. I reward that with 25 cine tokens.

Congratulations to both @kingobonnaya and @melinda010100!

So next week we have 165 Cine tokens to distribute. Join me I would say. It doesn't have to cost you much. No research or anything. All we want to see is your personal idea, feeling or memories. A comment or blog, the choice is yours!

So let's move on to this weeks Movie STAR of the Week!

There is much to tell about the next actor. That cannot be otherwise if you look at his track record. The necessary successes can be found in his filmography. Also the necessary flops if you ask me ... And in his private life a bit of the same seems to be going on. But in any case, it seems to me that he is an actor that everyone has an opinion about.

And that opinion, I would like to hear from you. Do you immediately run to the cinema when you hear that he is in a movie? Or are you more like… “No thanks”?

Let me know in a comment or blog what your personal opinion is about:



So you now know what to do. Leave a comment under this newspaper, or write a blog if you prefer. But as said, I'm not looking for biographies or filmographies. It's all on the internet.

What you have to do if you want to earn CINE tokens, is write a comment or blog with YOUR opinion. Why do you like Patrick Swayze or not. What appeals to you in him, or what repels you? Does he make you forget the world, do you see the person he plays or do you still see Patrick Swayze?

So we have 165 CINE tokens to give away next week. Do your best!

Please keep in mind that we're not going to give out the CINE tokens if your comment or blog has nothing personal.

If you're going to dedicate a blog towards our "Movie STAR of the week", don't forget to use the tag #moviestaroftheweek and link your blog here in a comments so we can easily find it!

As always, feel free to browse over all blogs written under the #cinetv tag. There are so many awesome blogs. We appreciate each and everone of you, who takes the effort to write up a unique, original blog with movie or tv-related content.


That Brad Pitt is not only an actor, but also a producer will come as no surprise to many. What may come as a surprise is that as a producer he is not afraid to broach controversial themes. We see that in this movie "She Said". A film that dares to address the sexual abuse in Hollywood.


Everything revolves around an exclusive menu in this satirical film. You would expect this to be a film for the foodies among us. But is that true? You'll have to watch the movie to find out! Who knows, you might be culinary surprised.


Animal lovers will probably want to see this movie where you can follow the adventures of a donkey. The film follows him in his adventures on his journey to freedom.

Let's hope that the donkey in the film is not TOO cute so that not everyone suddenly wants to keep a donkey after seeing this film, which will then be neglected in many cases.


One of my favorite parts of the weekly newspaper. The juicy gossip! I can't help it, I think it's one of the "guilty pleasures", which I will never admit after today. Because like everyone else, I always pretend that I'm not interested in that at all.

  • If you're learning in your own TV show at 39 that you have an 8 to 10x higher than average chance of developing Alzheimer's, then that does something to you as a person. And then you will certainly think about how bad it would be if you could no longer recognize your wife and children. Wouldn't know anymore what kind of life you've always lived with them. Chris Hemsworth recently received this message.

    And receiving that message now also means that Chris is going to take a break from acting. He still wants to finish what he's doing, and then be home alone for quite some time, enjoying his life with his wife and children. I don't blame him. No one will ever take that away from him...

  • It's not gossip, but something I think deserves more attention. Many movies are known for phenomenal stunts in the movies. But how often are the big actors doing these stunts? And how often do they use a stunt double? Here's a series of photos of actors with their stunt doubles

  • It looks like Meghan can't forget her acting past after all. And Harry also seems to want to build a good relationship with the camera. And that's what led the pair to sign a deal with Netflix.

    What to expect? It looks like you can expect a glimpse into their personal lives, but the deal goes further. Harry and Meghan have signed a contract with Netflix to produce documentaries, films and children's content, among other things.

    His marriage to an actress could just be the open door to Hollywood that the rebellious Harry has been looking for.

  • That actors are also just people, and therefore sometimes show a slight form of Kleptomania will become clear from [this series]( -took-from-movie-tv-sets/).

    I don't think anyone should worry about these kleptomaniacs though. It doesn't look like they'll be exhibiting this behavior off the movie set.

Hopefully you enjoyed this weeks Newspaper!

Enjoy your week


We like to point out the following note about plagiarism once again!

We have an entire team dedicated to finding AND reporting plagiarism and abuse. And be warned, we NEVER will tolerate plagiarized blogs. Not in plagiarized words, nor images!

We have seen some really great posts that failed to source their pictures and so we were not able to curate them properly. Remember to only post YOUR OWN words and to properly source the photos that you use that are not your own.

Plagiarism is THEFT and has no place in our CineTV family!

Thanks...we love you all!


Posted using CineTV

0.07624334 BEE

great job on the paper @hetty-rowan! Brad Pitt is another actor who I feel is underrated for his acting talent and too many people assume he gets by on his looks. One only has to watch his performances in Fury or Inglorious Bastards to see he is the real deal when it comes to acting!

0.00112096 BEE

Thank you @papacrusher! Oh now you're talking. Those are two great movies with some absolutely great acting from Brad. I also liked him in Seven Years In Tibet very much. I remember so well, that movie is just long, but I really couldn't care less because of Brad and his acting.

The fellow can't help it that he is looking good, but if his acting qualities would not be this good, he never had made it so long in Hollywood.

0.00110437 BEE

oh man, i can't believe i didn't mention Seven or Fight Club to additional excellent works he was a pivotal part of!

0E-8 BEE

Tagging for subscription: @stickupboys

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @cinetv ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

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