Banned interview with Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, about AI leaked. Interesting insights. Bashing Google and EU regulation.


Auf YouTube war kurzzeitig ein Interview mit Eric Schmidt, dem ehemaligen CEO von Google, zu sehen, das im April 2024 an der Stanford UniversitĂ€t aufgezeichnet wurde, aber nicht fĂŒr die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt war. Mittlerweile ist das vollstĂ€ndige Video auf X geleaked.

In dem Interview redet Eric Schmidt erstaunlich offen und ehrlich ĂŒber die Probleme bei Google, dem Ukraine-Krieg und den Problemen mit der EU-Regulierung.

Laut Schmidt wird die EU wegen der bĂŒrokratischen Regulierung aus BrĂŒssel komplett abgehĂ€ngt.

Auch zum Ukraine-Krieg Ă€ußerte er sich, er habe begonnen ein WaffenhĂ€ndler zu werden und sei in die Drohnenproduktion eingestiegen, um die Ukraine mit intelligenten Drohnen zu unterstĂŒtzen. Trotzdem sieht er die Lage in der Ukraine sehr dĂŒster und warnt davor, dass Russland den Krieg komplett gewinnen könnte, wenn es ihnen ebenfalls gelĂ€nge, die Drohnenproduktion hochzufahren.

Auch an Google richtet er eine kleine Kritik, mit Home-Office und freien Tagen unter der Woche, könne man kein Leader im Bereich AI werden.

Die Zukunft von AI und Nvidia sieht er allerdings sehr euphorisch, keine Rede von einer Bubble. Das Interview stammte aber von April. Mittlerweile sind die Erwartungen etwas zurĂŒckgegangen. Dass LLMs in 30 Sekunden einen vollstĂ€ndigen TikTok-Clone programmieren, glaubt im Moment kaum noch jemand.

Was sagt ihr dazu? Habt ihr das Interview gesehen? Welche Aussagen findet ihr besonders interessant?

Eric Schmidt interview at the Stanford University leaked


An interview with Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, which was recorded at Stanford University in April 2024 but was not intended for the public, was briefly available on YouTube. The full video has now been leaked on X.

In the interview, Eric Schmidt talks surprisingly openly and honestly about the problems at Google, the Ukraine war and the problems with EU regulation.

According to Schmidt, the EU is being completely left behind due to bureaucratic regulation from Brussels.

He also commented on the Ukraine war, saying that he had started to become an arms dealer and had gone into drone production in order to support Ukraine with intelligent drones. Nevertheless, he takes a very bleak view of the situation in Ukraine and warns that Russia could win the war entirely if they also succeed in ramping up drone production.

He also directed a little criticism at Google, saying that working from home and taking days off during the week would not make them a leader in the field of AI.

However, he is very euphoric about the future of AI and Nvidia, and is not talking about a bubble. However, the interview was from April. In the meantime, expectations have fallen somewhat. At the moment, hardly anyone still believes that LLMs can program a complete TikTok clone in 30 seconds.

What do you think? Have you seen the interview? Which statements do you find particularly interesting?

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1.09196862 BEE

These are such strong opinions from the CEO. i would understand why it has to be deleted.

0.00305515 BEE

Schau ich mir an. Danke.

0.00304304 BEE

I have not seen the interview but I think his view of AI is still far out in the future. I don't think we are anywhere close to that even if Google puts in more money/hours into it.

0.00301079 BEE

Its pretty much what everyone knows but It has to be kept hidden from majority of people

0.00304043 BEE

What he said was right, saying these things in public would cause a lot of problems for a government so it was banned

0.00306609 BEE

I havent watched it but i think this was banned due to his statement in the ukraine war.

0.00305730 BEE

Sounds like a good and honest man, who wants to achieve great things

0.00304627 BEE


0.00304816 BEE

I think the interview was not meant for public consumption.

0.00303048 BEE

The man spoke well like a visionary person

0E-8 BEE

I haven't seen this interview yet, only after watching it I will be able to share all my thoughts with you.

0E-8 BEE

I think this types of interviews should really be banned

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Though I haven't watched it but I feel it's too revealing. These people at the top never wants their dirty linens to be washed in public... 😁

0E-8 BEE

I didn't watch but why is he saying all these now now that he has resigned? Was he not a part of the wolves in the past

0E-8 BEE