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RE: Downvote Drama: Do regular quizzes, giveaways and competitions create value on Hive? Do downvotes destroy the platform? My consequences.

I've noticed your giveaway posts and personally found them to be at the far spectrum of "abuse", i.e. if I were to actively attempt to break those up you'd be the last person I'd touch, but I guess everyone and their stake decides things differently.

Similar to what I assume the initial downvoters opinions in this post I don't think self-votes are that bad but I'd argue if you're already doing quite well and consider potential "votetrading" that may occur either genuinely or pre-determined it kind of just seems like an unnecessary additional weight on top of already doing quite well. I'd say self-vote if you feel like your post didn't get appreciated as much as you hoped for if that one felt special and a lot of work went into it. This could potentially end up getting you more support as well if you wouldn't self-vote as people would notice it and decide to support you partially because of that.

If you're constantly self-voting, though, and especially on posts that may seem low-effort it does give the impression that you're mainly doing it for the ROI. My biggest issue with these giveaway posts are some that spam them and make it their primary resource of growing their HP by giving away a fraction, here's an example I noticed just today because they used the zing tag:
That's like 50 posts with pending payout. It's hard to argue they're doing it for the sake of helping random users get some tokens, game assets or promoting the project and easier to assume they're doing it for the returns or "investing" in the upvotes becoming stronger over time.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my opinion. One thing I don't like is when people instantly say things like "downvotes will destroy hive" etc, it's just a few downvotes after you've been rewarded for years without anyone touching you. Let's calm it down a little. I know it's not fun to receive downvotes, especially when they're done as retaliation, etc, but it's not the end of the world and in general "bad downvotes" aren't that common these days as they used to be in the past so it comes off a little dramatic painting them the way some do.

0.00324265 BEE

Thx for your balanced view on the topic, I basically agree with everything you say, and also "downvotes destroying hive" is a bit exaggerating I admit, but it is a serious problem in my opinion after all, it doesn't feel right, not aligning with the open, decentralized, permissionless spirit of crypto that I love so much. One could also argue that giveaways and even self-voting won't destroy hive either if other users get also upvoted and supported along the way.

0.00001221 BEE

Sorry but the general view on downvotes from people always comes off like something because they've gotten used to no downvotes.

You don't see people on Reddit complaining about their posts getting downvoted, whether or not they're earning from it is mostly no but some times it could be a link share to their youtube where they could earn from adrevenue. Just because Hive openly tells you who downvoted your post creates a lot of unnecessary drama, demands start flying as to why and often people look for ways to retaliate or compare with others who didn't get downvoted at the time.

Most of this all just screams entitlement in my eyes.

Excessive self-votes or vote-trading can be just as bad as downvotes if not worse as it affects the way you grow on the platform. If you're at 100k HP mostly from having self-voted and vote-traded but another user reached 100k after 2x longer time cause they've put a lot more effort into getting there without self-voting/trading then how is that fair and would a little downvoting making your journey to 100k take a bit longer or at least the same amount of time as that other user destroy the platform? I don't think so.

When it comes to retaliatory downvotes or usage based off of disagreement other than rewards it is important that the community steps up and counters them, even with the risk of getting downvoted in the process and earning less curation rewards due to the counter. Luckily we don't see those downvotes often these days but it requires some additional effort to counter "bad" downvotes but there are tools to make that happen.

So while that is serious, occasional downvotes like the ones in this example aren't all that bad, usually both the downvoter and downvoted person get over it eventually, or should at least, I know some people really love holding grudges and maybe that says more about them and their view on money.

It's important to remember that this is mining gamified, some times something unexpected can happen and that doesn't usually mean there's a problem with the network nor should authors get used to it always being sunshine and rainbows once they make it and have stake as we see on steem and blurt. The pros of having downvotes far outweigh the cons and bad usage of them, until the day I see downvotes used excessively and in bad faith a lot I'll stand with that opinion.

0E-8 BEE