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It would be good to have our content more visible on searches or even our own blog pages, but I'm not sure how technically feasible that is. Otherwise some great points Ed. Good to see the silver bloggers collaborations continuing.
Is it possible to create let’s say, our own front-end like a headless Hive in web development terms?
I understand you could use a tool like superhive to create a wordpress type blog or your own full front end using Ecency for example as it is fully open source.
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I think someone did a post about how the different front ends got picked up in searches. But no matter the front end we use we still need to write in an SEO friendly way. I know I never have here. That was probably because what did it matter when on Hive only the first 7 days count.
Very true. I do think there needs to be a way to categorise and customise your homepage for longform content and videos etc. This could also help to drive traffic. But again, not sure how feasible that is to do.
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