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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?

I miss your posts.

Post moar.


0.00001688 BEE

I can't post, because, I'm on the blacklist, and, if I would post anything, all of my rewards would be removed, automatically.

Hope, some days, we have that decentralized group of people, or accounts, that represent real Hivewatchers, voted from people to people.

Or maybe, we create another Hive ecosystem, outside of this one.

We just need the developers should be aware of this problems too, and hope, that they would see the difficult of the problems HW create on Hive.

But, I have been worked on my own web site for food:

you can visit it. Recipes are just in Serbian, for now, but the Web site is multilang, so the recipes would be translated on some point.

Many thanks

0.00000201 BEE