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I’m not going to go back and forth on this for the next week. With Canada their money was stolen, on Hive this can never happen as no one can take anything from your wallet. Post rewards are not yours until the community has decided what it is worth at the end of 7 days.
I’ll agree the voting is not always fair and that’s the same with everything in life. Sometimes it just sucks and there certainly are favorites.
There is no way Hive is more censored than Facebook, I call bullshit.
I haven’t really extracted dollars from Hive. I’ve pretty much only held it over the almost seven years of being here and it is not my biggest bag by a long shot. I am primarily a BTC holder. Any fiat I have is mostly in stocks. I am positioned in such way inflation has little impact on me. In fact my Hive is the most sensitive to inflation due to its stagnant performance.
That being said, I am not an advocate of opinion flagging and downvotes are way over exaggerated as they are extremely rare.
I deeply appreciate your substantive reply. I don't think you know how much.
Neither is your money in your bank account yours. That's how Canada could tell the banks to take it. If you haven't read your bank's TOS carefully to the last detail, you should. Once you deposit your funds in the bank it is their money, and all you have is a promise that they'll pay you back.
Until they don't because they don't have it, because interest rates rose after the bank spent the money on bonds and is now underwater. Every bank in America is currently insolvent. The Fed is almost $1T upside down. The FDIC can't do shit about that level of bankruptcy, and guess what happens to dollars if the USG prints enough to cover it? Maybe the USG will just borrow the money from the bankrupt banks to cover their losses. That'll fix it. /s
Flags are taxes, and taxation is theft, as I've pointed out elsewhere.
As for stonks, you don't own any stonks either. The DTCC (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) actually has the stonks you bought. You have a receipt.
(my bold for emphasis)
IOW, they have the stonks you think you bought, and what they give you is a promise they'll take good care of your stonks, let you have the dividends, and proceeds if you sell them (or sell the receipts, as it were). That bullshit about 'exchange'? The stonks never leave their custody. They just make notations in their files as to whom they'll be stealing the stonks from if they don't actually pay you. Because they have them, and you don't. They do add this on that page:
Let me quote Klaus Schwab:
Maybe you can get your stocks if you request them, though, and then you'll actually have them instead of a receipt. Might wanna get right on that, because this system was arranged by big banks, that are all insolvent, which I bet that ~$87T will cure just fine.
I know these things because they took my property. I want you to know them before they take your property like they took mine, so maybe you can do something about it before they do. I am well aware it's not fair, because I literally walked away from everything I had ever owned, my free and clear acreage and 4 bd house, my rental property, my trucks, tools, 4 bay shop, 5 bank accounts, and several brokerage accounts, and my dogs (whom I miss most of all, because they actually loved me) in borrowed socks, because I didn't own any socks. Not even one sock. All I got in return was bad credit, a bad back, and worse teeth. Maybe just is a better word than fair, actually.
Have a look at @por500bolos's account. Have a look at @baah's account. Have a look at @logiczombie's account. I bet you'll be able to count over 1000 flags just on those three accounts. @baah is a troll, but he's also a sincere and prolific poster of facts - or he was before he recently vanished. @logiczombie and @por500bolos are critical commentators on various topics, including Hive, or they were before @logiczombie quit posting (and have a look at my account, instead of taking my word that I don't use tokens as money, so don't care about this because of my personal finances. I invest in goodwill because it can't be taxed, stolen, or rot. It only goes away when someone dies, and I'm old). @por500bolos is still here.
There are hundreds and hundreds more examples since 2017. We've lost ~1M accounts since then, and the vast majority of those accounts were flagged unfairly unjustly and ragequit. It's probable that many of them did something wrong, plagiarized, or posted images without attribution, or comment spammed, or said something mean. Maybe some of them would be a net loss and we're better off without them (although they probably have friends they would have marketed Hive to). But we had a chance to have a vibrant community and blew it by letting them be flagged off the platform.
I sincerely recommend you either strive to enable Hive to be a robust enough platform to effectively resist destruction by KYC (which the USG is going to require, sooner than later, to save the children, or terrorists, or smth), or exchange your tokens for something that will retain value when Hive dies from KYC without such robust community.
Please note that I used the word recommend. I'm not telling you what to do. I just don't think there are any other courses of action with potential to succeed, and am sharing information in support of my recommendations. Bail-in's can take all your money in the bank. Every bank in America is underwater because they invested in bonds and interest rates went up, turning their assets into liabilities, and your TOS with the bank explains the money you deposit in the bank is their money now. History is replete with examples of people not getting their money from banks.
You don't actually own any stonks. The DTCC has all the stonks you think you own, and you have their promise to pay. You don't have to take my word for it. DYOR, while you still can extract your assets from the clutches of the thieves that have them in hand (and I know for a fact they're thieves and are not trustworthy). Invest in assets you actually own, can hold in your own hands, and defend from thieves. Or better yet, communities of people you can depend on.
If Hive can't exert nominal political power to prevent the USG from requiring KYC to use the internet, Hive will die. Big Social Media is basically the CIA and is all for KYC (and killing Hive). I don't see any way to prevent that from happening except to get a lot of users fast. In fact, I think it's too late. I'd love for you to prove me wrong about that.
But, maybe hurry, before they take it all from you, like they did me. I know why justice matters, even if it's just a DV. When you stand for justice, you have a sound foundation of principle you can count on to keep you from a slippery slope. Once you start sliding down that slope it's hard to stop, and we're going like 60.