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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?

Wow "only" 290$.
For what?
Please answer it in my Post from yesterday, hope you read it and Answer the other Questions, too.

0.01359126 BEE

For blacklisting people like me, for example. In 2023, February, i have big problem with these people, or, maybe, 1-3 people, that claims to be hive watchers here. The discussion then is going about 2 months with these people, and they blocked , or blacklisted me, just because i use AI to beauty my posts. Now, a year after, PeakD has implemented AI for all the pople here, without no problems. But I'm still on the blacklist, so... That's are our great Salvation, the Hive Watchers here.

If you wish, you can look in my history of comments, and you will see, what a big-big discussion has been there, on many posts, and they blacklisted my comments too, so, they have that power... We don't. And we should use this as a free and decentralized community. It is not, it is just an illusion, what we are thinking the Hive is.

So, take a look on my journey and look at my comments about a year ago, and you will see, what a problems we have here, and who are these people in Hive Watchers. They use the power of others to punish self wishes and whistles. They blocked me before they have any of project there about how to use AI, or anything about AI. They just blacklisted people, just because some of them, don't like AI. Therefore, I have stop posting on Hive. They expect that all people should known all what they (self's) want. And that's b.s.

They create just problems here on Hive, but they claim they are like the gods here. They don't listen to us, people. If they think, someone make a mistake, they should first contact that person, and say, hey, look, do not use this, or do not do this, because of this. And if someone keep doing that thing, then blacklisting them, but not, without warning, without anything, just go and blacklisting all people, for example, who have used AI. Today, anything is AI. So what now? do we close the Hive?

We need to un-power this Hive watchers team, and create another one, with voting, and now polling too. Not just blindly keep giving power to these people in that hivewatchers tema what is now.

Folks, remove the voting and your HP given to this people in Hive Watchers tema, immediately, before they destroy the Hive. Great people go away from Hive, everyday. They go to, or, or, ...

Guys, we need to come to an agreement and simply delete this hive watchers team (2-3 people) from the tron ​​forever. Otherwise we risk the title of this post.

Here are a few more posts from back then, where we had, so to speak, a very, very big discussion, but, to no avail, they just do what they want:

Post they made 2 months after they blacklisted me because before, they didn't have one:

Then, this:

And this post:

and this one:

... and this one too:

Please look at all the comments there, there are a lot of comments (mine are hidden almost everywhere, because the big HW team made it so that other people shouldn't see my comments, too much information from me about who they are, etc what they do.)


0.02702770 BEE