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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?

Community will weed out naturally to keep a happy, healthy system.

Bad elements always arrive to scam or try skim profits on the sly.

0.01334007 BEE

Bad elements

It is clear that exactly such elements have arisen to take advantage of the funding availed HW, and are harming the Hive community profitably. Wherever governance is undertaken, such malign actors seek to gain whatever power and wealth is expended for their own aggrandizement, not just on Hive, but everywhere and always.

HW needs to go. It is demonstrable that just replacing bad apples will not make the barrel rotten apple proof. As long as there's an apple barrel, rotten apples will lie and cheat to spoil it. I'm confident that backdoor deals are passing funds unseen to advance goals of bad actors, and the visible financial expenditures for HW are but part of the actual sums involved, as graft is a constant hazard of corruptible institutions.

Better for the community and it's rightful forthright expression of it's concerns and exposure of hazards we need to be informed of would be a mechanism to support posts and posters that are wrongfully flagged, IMHO. Profiteers gain no benefit from strengthening the community against such Mammon Hunters, but rather from institutions like HW that attack the community and prey on our number. We should cut them off and stop funding attacks on us, and instead fund armor against their attacks on us that profiteering plutocrats constantly seek to profitably employ to take our wealth for themselves.

When observing actual hives in nature, there are no bees running around destroying the comb and taking the honey. The hive builds the comb, and the honey provides for their entire community. That is the kind of work that should be funded, not destruction of free speech, but protection of it.

0.02493774 BEE

not destruction of free speech, but protection of it

Using bots is always destructive, connect to each person it's social media.

0.00000166 BEE