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RE: Is Hive Watcher's doing a good job?

Having centralized anti-abuse is not all bad, imo.

The question becomes is it profitable, both for the chain to redistribute it and the abusers.
Clearly the abusers are getting what they need, or they wouldn't do it.

So, now the question is how much total abuse is happening.
I got no problem financing some anti-abuse efforts but the the big picture is not being adequately illustrated.

How much abuse is happening outside trending?
Nobody can do anything about that abuse, at this point.

I don't think tying hw's compensation to the amount of redistribution is a good idea, and if the amount of abuse doesn't rise to the costs involved with centralized overhead, then some median would have to be arrived at by 'the community'.

Or, the plutocracy can decree whatever because they hodl the power.
That has 'worked' up to now because 'the community' has failed to reach an organizational power level adequate to change things.

I'd say if you don't like how hw's is doing it, then offer a viable alternative.

Until the community is ready to step up, organize, and replace the good that hw's does, I'd vote for keeping them.

Until 'the community' is ready to step up and stop the trending abuse, this is what we get, continued centralization of power.

0.00387004 BEE

"...the plutocracy can decree whatever because they hodl the power."

The Hive code needs to value free speech above all else, and deprecate mere financial concerns. Most of all, it needs to not be a pure plutocracy, because IRL is proof of how that turns out.

0.00635142 BEE

best comment

0.00000147 BEE

Thank you.
I made another one.

@jarvie @asgarth can we get subscriptions to posts, ie allow notifications of comments by others on posts we opt to follow?
It's too easy to forget to come back two days later to see what other comments have come in, let alone comments that come in much later.
This feature would increase engagement, imo.

0E-8 BEE