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What exactly are you talking about. Same people win most of the time cause they are good. Even in my tourney with bronze league cap without legendaries, I regularly see similar people in top 10. Also not to mention that their official tournaments are too expensive if you are 2+ leagues higher in ranked ladder than the level cap of those tournaments. I mean, the game currently has a large portion of new players, and like most games, those that started a couple of years ago, will naturally be a lot better at the game.

And one last thing, I rent cards here and there to play on alt accounts. And for like 20 cents, I'm able to compete in gold easily. Don't see how that can be called a pyramid scheme but okay.

I sense that you had some really unpleasant conversations on this topic already tho.

0E-8 BEE

On the tournaments that give well over 1 million dollars a year you play in those? I am speaking about the 90% of rewards not your little bronze tournaments yet asking for a bit more rewards for them since as you said it is much more skill based and true tournamnts. I disagree that they are better (yes some) or they would be top 10 in these tournaments as well and many play in them. & yes I try too hard to help this game out to be treated the way I was by the staff so I was sour, editing pyramid out as that is a big harsh and maybe a bit of an exaggeration yet 90% of tourney rewards do go to 0.01% of the players all year long

0E-8 BEE