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RE: Exode: A Collectible Space Colonization Strategy Game

🤠 From your last video I could tell you were ready for it!

Its a lot for a single developer but I think you have done well so far!

Maybe the website could have something like what @PeakMonsters is for @Splinterlands. With the way the Starbase Market has been going it might remove some load off of you if such a site existed. Just an idea.

0E-8 BEE

I am absolutely for a peakexode!

Good reminder here Jacob!

I thought we had to stabilize some content and game loop before they could hop in. I do hope they would be interested, of course. :)

It's true it's best if the service is up and ready before beta growth is there, to be able to scale on something tested.

But let's show some game first now!

0.00362013 BEE