Wow, that was close ! It's been such a bonkers, weird, crazy, out-of-kilter sort of day today ! I looked up at the clock and saw it was 23.50.... and in 10 minutes BPUD would be over and I'd almost totally forgotten about it in all the craziness. Eek !!
So in a mad rush, I went to Beeswap (probably my favourite Hiver Engine front end) and powered up the BBHO tokens I had lurking there. 185 BBHO, plus a long string of bits after the decimal point.
Phew ! Done !
Which gives me a total of 2608.8 BBHO staked. Even with everything crypto dropping over the last two or three weeks due to real-world volatility, my BBHO is still worth slightly more than I paid for it in total. Compared to investments that are currently in the toilet right now, this makes me very happy !
While my Hive engine investments are a tiny fraction of my Hive account value, I plan to keep on DCA'ing into BBHO and selling other Tribe Tokens to keep investing.
@bradleyarrow has put a huge amount of work into this project with long term dedication and consistency. So keeping on buying the tokens is the least I can do to show appreciation for all the effort. That and vote for his Hive and Hive Engine witnesses. Vote for them if you haven't already. You know you want to ! :D
Posted using The BBH Project
!BBH I just made it today as well. Almost forgot. Basketball tournament is a big distraction today!
Posted using The BBH Project
Glad you made it :) !BBH
It was a case of age-related macaroni degeneration.
Credit: reddit
@alonicus, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bitandi
Haha, that was a close call. Glad you powered up in time. And yeah, with everything crashing, anything holding value is a win. Keep stacking man