That Colorful Selfie


Good day everyone, hope we are enjoying the weekend. Hive learners keeps us busy even on the weekends which is cool. This time, we have to talk about a picture. This one at first, I did not like so much because I do not take pictures that much. I do not take pictures of myself neither do I take pictures of my surrounding but that has been changing a bit quite recently.

This picture I am sharing is one I took almost a year ago. I went for this event organized by one of the recognized hostels in my school and it was surprisngly fun. Last year, I decided I was going to be a bit more engaging and live my life outside my hostel so when this opportunity presented itself, some friends and I said we would go.

Like I said, picture taking is not really my style but there are some events you just have to document. And this one was one of them.

The event was the hall week celebration of the ssnnit hostel. It’s one of the biggest campuses n campus if not the biggest hostel on campus. Of course other will debate it but well . . .

The like this picture because I don’t think I have taken a selfie that I quite like this much. Maybe it’s the colors that cover my big head but I just like like. The festival of colors as this occasion was themed a year ago was really a day of colors. Everyone at the event was covered in colors. The white shirts we wore there maybe was a mistake. I have not not been able to get those colors off the the shirt since that time.

On that faithful day after lectures, I rushed to the hostel, got changed and got got prepared for the task ahead. We didn’t go early but we know the country wee are from and the lack of respect for time so we had no worries. My friends and I got to the venue we were supposed to convey at and people were already there. I must admit I was surprised by the numbers.

Students here don’t normally turn up like they did so it was fun. I was standing by a friend when I realized someone was throwing colors at me. I turned and that was even worse. I was already covered in colors and more was on the way. It’s like they were waiting for me.

I started running away but that didn’t help. It was fun running from the chaos because it reminded me of the past. When I settled, I also got some cokes and did some painting. I targeted those that painted me first because I knew them and I got my revenge. I did that the entire time. Even as we were dancing on our way to the market square, I didn’t stop. We had to call it a truce and then I agreed to stop so we all have fun at the event.

This picture I took while we were on our way to town. Let me know if you guys think it’s nice.

Thank you.


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You look like a clown. 😂. Though the color suits you well. And I like it. But you know I won’t ever tell you it’s cool. So don’t let your imagination kill you.


😂 the goal’s to look like a clown.

I know you like it and you know it’s cool. You can’t fake it😂
