RE: The Advantages of going to a mixed gender school

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When it comes to educational settings, I never attended a single-sex school; it was a mixed-sex school right from kindergarten till I completed my secondary school education. To be honest, I do not think I would allow my children to attend a single-sex school.

What are the advantages of attending a single-sex school? To protect them from the other gender? Or make them concentrate on their studies? If it is any of these two reasons, then I think a single-sex school does not solve the problem because a child who wants to be corrupt can still skip class and go look for the other gender outside of school premises, and the same applies to the concentration part. Some parents take their children to such schools because they do not want them to interact with the other gender, which is very common, especially for female children. This is why we have more schools for females only than for boys.

In that aspect, I think they are wrong because the lack of socializing with the other gender is what made some of the girls go into lesbianism. It could also make them socially awkward with the other gender since they don't interact with them.

There are things to learn in a mixed school, and it does not always have to deal with sexually related stuff.

Understanding the opposite gender: When you are in a mixed-gender school, you will learn so many things about the other gender's way of life and how they act toward things. You won't feel awkward at the sight of them since you have a lot of them as friends in school; some will even be closer to you and gist you about their life from which you will learn more things.

A single-sex school deprives you of this opportunity because all you do is relate with your fellow guys, and the way to relate with each gender is different. The way you play with your guy friend will be different from the way you play with your female friends, so all these things will be hard to learn in a single-sex school and even worse if it is a boarding school.

Single-sex school is not bad, just that everyone has his preference, and for me, I prefer the mixed school. I would choose a mixed school for my kids too because I want them to understand the other gender, learn from them, and gain self-confidence in relating to them.

Not to forget the competition among the two genders which could make school life more interesting. I'm not going to deprive my children of that, and I do not see the need for a single-gender school.
