The One Sided Friendship

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This tweet that I saw today keep coming up in my mind because true be told this kind of one sided friendship do happen in this generation and at least we might have encounter even though we might be free now, at first I felt like disagreeing with the tweet though because it will surely last until that one friend noticed he/she is the only one in such situationship and this always occur when you have something to offer in most cases. Most times I rarely take people as my friends, I actually hi hi friend because I know we can only talk when we see with no extra side attraction and no disappointment. The major issue is the fact that one people will the one doing most of the things, be it in time, emotional support, effort and even financially, you will always be there for them but the moment you need them the most, they vanish (like avatar aang)

To call someone a friend, that means such foundation should be built on something mutual, give and take, there was this guy I know back then in school, his parent were rich and definitely he always have cash with him and it is really obvious with his big boy lifestyle in school, you can't see him alone, you will always see people around him but everyone with their own agenda, even though the fun and all make him blind to some certain things he shouldn't have neglect, he did noticed all his gees were there for the benefit, like this adage " people will be there to help you lick your hand full of palmoil, but when it is full of blood, you won't see them", he had an accident, and he was bed ridden for a long while, only few of his friend show up for him while the rest move on, even the one he trusted the most left him.

Have even watch a lot of movies where friends betray friends, most times it is best to keep your circle short and know everyone intention, know who are your friend and who will be ready to stay or help during difficult times.
