WhiteboardCrypto: I've finished a 2 bedroom apartment with LEO earnings, Over $20,000 Cashed!



I am one of the Foremost Hive Users who counted 5-digit Dollars with LEO Earnings from content creation. You can read that again and again. I'm one of those luckiest pioneer content creators on the LeoFinance tribe immediately we switched to Hive. I literally had Three to Four posts daily on the LeoFinance community and all would fins their way to the trending page because of the huge support I received from top LEO curators. Not only that my contents were quality, I kept echoing my success stories in terms of my earnings with LEO as well as other tribes tokens of Hive blockchain.

from ZERO, I accumulated as much as 20,000 LEO from creating contents. Thanks to users like @Dtrade and @Taskmaster4450le whose supports were massive. Those tokens were in stake and I ranked among top 50 LEO stakeholders and at a point was able to give pout votes worth over $1. It's important to note that this happened when LEO was way low between 1 to 5 cents. Many hive users really didn't understand what value Leofinance is bringing to Hive neither did they need LEO. However, I had a periscope that saw the future and kept earning them even at the lows of 1 Cent. Moreover, I didn't mind badging into many hive users' posts and telling them why they needed to own some LEO.

By August 2020, something tragic happened that drained me emotionally. I lost my dad and thoughts of how to bury him was a big worry (PS: burials are expensive in Nigeria). I believe in God, favour and in miracles. God showed up for me when it looked like all hopes were dashed. By mid September, LEO had a new face and we saw a new price level emerge. Form 5 Cent to 10 Cents to 20 Cents to Half a dollar and to a dollar. LEO was my major holdings in hive-engine wallet (around $20,000) then and I powered down 15k LEO and cashed out a part while part was spread into other assets in hive-engine like CTP, SPORTS,LIST, etc.

A screnshot of my LEO upvote giving 5.5 to a post

The part of my LEO holdings powered down alongside the liquid I continued to earn was cashed out and it ran into over $14,000 and I had judiciously used it to solve real-time challenges from December 2020 to June 2021 as follows:

  • Raised sufficient funds for my late dad's burial in December 2020 (Valued at $2,300)
  • Sunk a soak away/septic pit for the new apartment I was to move-in by March 2021 (Valued at $1,000)
  • Did major restructure and block work on a 2-bedroom apartment (Valued at $1,010)
  • Covered full electrical and plumbing fittings in the 2-bedroom apartment and office space (Valued at $1,247).
  • Funded the ceiling, tiling, painting of the apartment (Valued at $1,930)
  • Funded a steel rail in my church auditorium gallery spanning 23 metres by April 2021 (was valued at $1,400)

Space would fail me to enlist all the tangible stuffs I've acquired with LeoFinance earnings. I have links of post written by me that can tell more and more of the LeoFinance earnings. It can sure inspire anyone. A look at rhe screenshot below from HIVESTATS.IO shows that I've earned over 35,000 LEO.


Several times, I've penned my testimonials stating how my LEO and HIVe earnings have spiraled over the months and how it has affected my personal finance. Links of such posts are as follows:


What is Hive?

Hive is an innovative and forward-looking decentralized blockchain and ecosystem, designed to scale with widespread adoption of the currency and platforms in mind. By combining the lightning-fast processing times and fee-less transactions, Hive is positioned to become one of the leading Web3 blockchains used by people around the world. source


About me...

I am a called teacher, a serial entrepreneur and a Graduate of Agricultural Engineering. Nigeria is my root and a place full of opportunities. I dropped out of a Master's Degree programm due to funds, yet i do not regret growing the courage to start my buzsines from the scratch. Today, I've built layers of Businesses on the Hive blockchain in terms of Curation and it's a sustainable passive way of earning crypoto while learning.

I am your favourite Hive Tribes Promoter and Curapreneur!
I am @Uyobong.
Let's connect on Twitter

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Amazing achievement and a great story for others to see what tokenized communities can offer us.


This is so wow and hive it's on a bull run now, I wish I can have 1% of your writing skills it will be awesome


Wow, that's massive. I'm not surprised because you're a good visionary. Congrats sir! A good testimony of what Hive can do!



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
