If you Can't Afford Being a $HIVE Curator, $LEO Curation is Cheaper | Happy LPUD

Nobody Makes Excuses for Success, excuses are for Failures...@Uyobong

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The above quote is one of my greatest motivations in life. I believe everyone can succeed at their level as long as there is life and health. There should be no room for excuses or unhealthy competition. Success is celebrated, analyzed, and emulated. Failure, on the other hand, often becomes a breeding ground for excuses. The statement "Nobody makes excuses for success, excuses are for failures" encapsulates a profound truth about human behavior and the mindset required for achieving greatness.

People make excuses as rationalizations to justify why something did not go as planned. They serve as psychological cushions, protecting our self-esteem from the sting of failure. However, while they may offer temporary relief, they ultimately hinder growth and progress. Excuses shift the focus away from personal accountability and towards external factors, stripping away the power to enact meaningful change.

On the other hand, successful individuals and organizations rarely, if ever, make excuses. This is not because they do not face obstacles or setbacks—quite the contrary. The road to success is often fraught with challenges. What sets successful people apart is their unwavering commitment to ownership. They recognize that growth comes from acknowledging mistakes, learning from them, and making the necessary adjustments. This mindset fosters resilience and a continuous improvement ethos.

Succeeding as a Curator on Hive

In my Six years of being a Hive user, I've had to define my template for success on every front - as a content creator, curator, investor, and soon-to-be dapp developer and community founder. I believe no one owes me anything and this radiates gratitude for every little gesture I receive. From the days of Steem, I received a delegation of 500 SP for a month and that changed my pedestal as a user. I knew how much it was worth to give an upvote that is worth a Cent, hence, I always looked forward to when I would build my account to also give out upvotes that were worth anything meaningful.

Fast forward to the launch of steem-engine and eventually Hive Engine, I pressed on to start accumulating cheap tokens, just so I could also give out value to other users. That was the motivation. It started with $SPORTS token and then others joined the bags. After the Hive fork, many tokens could not make it to the new blockchain, so I streamlined my bags to $SPORTS, $LEO, $CPT $SPT, and a few other tokens. Some of the tokens could not make it far but some were built on development and value addition is still thriving such as the $LEO token.

having taken profits at one or two points, I am proud to hold a stake of 19,000 LEO. It's not a pre-mined token. They are either earned or bought. Building my LEO stake from $0 to its present worth has been a product of resilience and faith in the future.


If you Can't Afford Being a $HIVE Curator, Aim to be $LEO Curator

I could not afford to hold 19,000 Hive Power but I can with $LEO and I can even boast of millions of other smaller tokens. For me, it's a big win and I celebrate it. Thanks to the early day's challenge and support or @taskmaster4450le @Jongolson and others. They've been my inspiration.

You could be like me. Instead of complaining that you do not receive Hive upvotes, the reason you cannot grow your Hive power, look deeper into the layer 2 tokens, you can build your fortunes from there. There are so many pearls on Hive's layer 2, even in this deep bear season.

400 LEO Powered up

Happy June LPUD

I'm glad to join a host of other hundreds of Hive users to stake 400 LEO which brings my LEO Power to 19,000. I'll keep buying and staking more LEO. The long term goal is 100k. Every step in that direction matters for me.

Happy Leo Power Up Day (LPUD)!

If you found the article interesting or helpful, please hit the upvote button, and share for visibility to other hive friends to see. More importantly, drop a comment below. Thank you!

This post was created via INLEO, What is INLEO?

INLEO's mission is to build a sustainable creator economy that is centered around digital ownership, tokenization, and communities. It's Built on Hive, with linkages to BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. The flagship application: Inleo.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the Hive blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Let's Connect

Hive: inleo.io/profile/uyobong/blog

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uyobong3

Discord: uyobong#5966

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.17665180 BEE

Congratulations on your 19k LP, that's amazing.
One can't afford to miss being a Hive curator and leo curator too. If A isn't working try B, and I must say B is easier to achieve.

0.00274038 BEE

Congratulations to you sir, 19k is a great milestone and this shows your level of consistency and dedication

0.00275963 BEE

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

0E-8 BEE

I say a big congratulations to you boss

0E-8 BEE

wow 😲
This is a huge one. Big Congratulations to you!
More wins ahead 🎉

0E-8 BEE