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RE: Splinterlands: Season Ending Report

Nice Gladius pulls, Quora and Jini are great cards. I'm hoping to get a couple more Quora cards to get her to level 3 finally... I did pull a gold legendary which was level 2, and I already has a level 3 so I burned it for like 65K glints did two legendary pulls, one worked out great getting my Drybone Raider to level 3.

I know the end of these soul bounds is coming to an end so I'm trying to max out as much as I can. The Fire and Earth summoners I can't get past level seven which sucks, I almost never get those pulls... Oh well.

You did pretty good overall! A Noa is a good card, my epic soul bounds are pretty sad. Maybe I'll get lucky and get some good pulls over this season.

What's new over there? How are you feeling?

0.00145715 BEE

Wow 65k? Did you use it to buy any legendary card? Or did you buy more merit to get more gladius cases? That's astonishing. Congratulations.
Yeah, I think last season wasn't bad for me. Overall my luck shined and I need about 3 Quora to also get to level 3.

I know the end of these soul bounds is coming to an end so I'm trying to max out as much as I can.

I'm also doing the same and I think if I calculate rightly, I might need about 3 months to completely max out all the soulbound cards I have. If they unlock it, it'll be interesting to see.

What's new over there? How are you feeling?

My blood work is due over one month, I should have gotten it done, but money and the fear of the unknown keeps me away. Overall it's just another day, how about you?