RE: In my country there is a crisis with water in spite of having a great lack of the precious liquid / En mi país hay crisis con el agua a pesar de tener una gran reserva del preciado liquido [Spanish / English] .

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Sometimes I wish my area would struggle through the same problems that you have just for a little while. We have good water and good treatment facilities but people are so used to clean water that we seem to waste it at every opportunity. In truth water is so valuable it should never be wasted, even if it is plentiful!

As for your situation I've heard a rumor (unsubstantiated) that water was more expensive in Venezuela than Gasoline at one point. But people can live without gasoline but they certainly can't without water. As for sediment and other contaminants... that's rough. I do hope that your government finds a way to ensure reliable water...then again, I rarely trust governments to get things done right.

Best wishes for the future and thanks for writing.
