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RE: Just Live

I think this tendency to be out of touch with life, living in a mechanical existence thanks to the artificial environment we've created for ourselves will only increase as time goes by. Compared to previous generations, modern people are so much into their heads, they live there most of the time as opposed to living and operating from their hearts.
Great post btw, love the flow of it :)

0.00002494 BEE

Maybe they live in their heads mostly because life now is practical and logical, and it has no time for the simple ones, the hopeless romantics, the ones still with their inner child.
Thanks for stopping by.🤍

0E-8 BEE

To a certain degree I prefer the practical part but people have generally become too logical that they miss the illogical parts of life. Creating time to connect with the inner child can make the whole life journey less mechanical or more meaningful.
You're most welcome :)

0E-8 BEE