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Everything in life becomes so much easier when you have enthusiasm for what you are doing. But where does enthusiasm come from? How do you get it? How do you hold on to being enthusiastic day in and day out?
We all have our ups and downs in life and here on the blockchain. But please never loose sight of why you came here, what you are trying to accomplish, trying to build, find your enthusiasm and let it shine through to the world.

I must have much enthusiasm when it comes to Hive cause I jut can't stay away. I do not have a regular job since I have retired from the 9-to-5 world. I do not have a project running on hive cause I keep asking myself am I ready for the commitment that comes with running a project. The more I learn about what it takes, the more I seem to back away & then there's the cost. I can barely do a personal post everyday, much less keep a community updated about the goings on.

I came to hive as a way to improve my income as an affiliate marketer. Since then I have learned that affiliate marketing isn't really for me. It's funny that I discovered that being on hive, I was in that arena for over 20 years & wasn't very successful at that. I did however learn that I could increase my income by just being on hive. At this point, I just like posting as often as I can & helping others through support. What I earn in return for that support keeps me enthusiastic about coming back everyday & seeing what I can do to help.
I don't withdraw what I earn just yet, I'm working on building & stacking & growing. I continuously learn knew things & find things to be a part of, like BBH & what it's offering.

I look forward to a bright future here.



that is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing. It is always great to read people's stories.

