RE: It's me, Hi! I'm the problem it's me.


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I'll admit that I've not paid too much attention to her music, but it seems to be deeper than I had assumed. She definitely has some issues she is working through. It seems that being the biggest music star in the world does not mean you get a happy romantic ending. I had not expected the F-bombs and that may be an issue for her younger fans, but the topics are adult ones.

It must be hard to stay grounded when you are that big, but she seems nice to her crew who get big bonuses. I hope she can have something like a normal life.


I definitely agree it is probably hard to find people who you can genuinely connect with when you achieve that level of fame. You never quite know if someone has an angle. I've heard stories that lead me to believe she is still a pretty grounded person assuming they can be trusted. She definitely has her "silly love songs", but she also does some deep lyrical work and turns of phrases too. Artistically I think she is just on another level.
