What If Reincarnation Exist? | TOFR #2

People today are unique. People have different looks, different personalities, with different interests. And when a person dies, they get to live in the afterlife... They'll enjoy life in harmony and peace...

But, do they return to the world we lived in?

I always thought, that people who died before, could be back in a different body... Could it be a possibility to happen to all of us?
What if we forgot to do things before we became our present selves? Even the internet "debates" if reincarnation is true or not.

So, here's a thought,

If reincarnation exists, then maybe I lived in the past before, from way back...
And if people got reincarnated, then probably their looks just the same look as their past self but with changes...

It's weird because personally, my first cousin looks like my grandma that passed out, after my cousin was born (she's like 7 today).
Truly, a weird coincidence.

So, maybe, reincarnation exists. It's just that we didn't know it because we forget about the things that happened in our past life.

And so, I welcome you, reader. Welcome to Thinking Out Of Reality (TOFR).

From Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/beyond-death-life-after-death-744753/, edited by me


Is reincarnation true?

As a matter of fact, in the Bible, humans only have one life, and when they die, they either go to heaven or hell. But in science, they believe it's true. They have some "evidence" that tells them that reincarnation exists.
But it's up to the person, whether they believe it or not.

From Unsplash, by Aditya Romamsa, https://unsplash.com/photos/5zp0jym2w9M


Thoughts on reincarnation

I thought the process of reincarnation is just a person's having a second chance, with a new body. And everything my past self has (personalities), I also have it. And sometimes I get "Deja Vu", which happened before.
If reincarnation exists, truly my past self has a face like me, has similarities like I have today, or something else that's in me with him.

One thing for sure, I wanna ask that guy, “What did you do in the past?”
I am a person who's curious about things, well sometimes. And having to know him means well.
Maybe not physically, but rather in my mind. Giving each memory my past self has to my mind.

But yeah, this is all in fantasy movies or series so definitely not gonna happen.
Maybe it's just a coincidence to have Deja Vu or similarities in one person. But if ever it happens, we would rather think it out of reality.


I don't know how to make a working image hyperlink

TitleWhat If Reincarnation Exist?
SeriesThinking Out Of Reality
Series Episode2

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