How to maximize your LEO experience – a n00bs guide to the LEOverse Part 3


Hello dear lionsden! This is the 3rd part of my series on how to maximize your LEO experience. In the previous posts we talked about how to make your blogposts good looking and also how to promote those posts on Leofinance and on other social media platforms.
Today we will have a look at all the things in the LEOverse that I have not talked about yet.
If you have not read the previous two parts you should defiantly check them out first.

How to maximize your LEO experience – a newbies guide to the LEOverse Part 1
How to maximize your LEO experience – a newbies guide to the LEOverse Part 2

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How to maximize your LEO experience – a n00bs guide to the LEOverse Part 3

I will try to wrap everything I have missed in the previous guides into one post. Things we have not talked about yet will take us away from the HIVE blockchain and we will have a small excursion to the Matic, BSC, and Ethereum networks. We will check out the DEFI options which are tied to LEO finance through the Multi Token Bridge. We will talk about the lionsden (The leofinace discord server) where you can listen in on the weekly AMA and the new show format called: Crosschain Roundtable

We will also discuss options on what to do with your earnings on HIVE and LEOFINANCE. We will talk about further SEO optimization using the @leoglossary.

First of all I will start with the community hub:

leofinance discord server.


If you are not on there yet then follow this invite:

LeoFinance-Discord where a lot of things happen

Check it out yourself!

Read the intro by Khal and after that go check out the general chat channel and say hello!

The weekly WENSOON show also known as the Leofinance AMA is held in the voice channel of the discord server whilst being streamed onto various platforms.
You can ask questions in #leothreads by using the AMA tag. Of course there is a dedicated AMA chat channel where you also can post questions. Threads is just more fun for me :D

Also if you missed the AMA you should check @scaredycatguide 's Blog, he does an amazing job making a too long didn't listen version of the happenings. Read the latest one here:

The weekly WENSOON show Leofinance AMA 10-18-22

Everything important about leofinance is announced in the announcements channel. Make sure to check in there as often as you can. Engage with the content posted there and be a part of the community. This will give your Blog more exposure since you are actively commenting on posts that are viewed by a lot of others.

You can check the Leofinance post stream channel and look for the newest posts on

Fun fact, when you post on leofinance, it will pop up in the post stream on the discord server. No need to share your link, its all automated! I actively click on the links in the post stream and read the articles I find interesting. Another reason why you should pay attention on what headlines you use in your blog posts.

There is a trader chat if you are into trading all sorts of crypto. Be careful and only use it as a source of inspiration! Do your own research.

You can indirectly of course share your posts and here is how:
Make a tweet about your Leofinance content and share the link to the tweet in the twitter-link-share channel. This way you are promoting not only your post on Leofinance but also your web2 tentacle account on twitter. More followers is always good!
I call it web2 tentacle because this is one powerful tool to drive outside traffic to your blog! New LEO and HIVE members can be onboarded from your tweets! It happens! And remember to add the hive tag to be eligible for poshtoken earnings as well!

The Cross Chain Roundtable

Also held in the discord server and on various other streaming platforms you can listen in to a 2 hour show where 3 Founders from other blockchains talk about their projects.

The ultimate goal would be to make a community page on leofinance for every major blockchain game, dapp, exchange etc. They could use these community pages for their announcements and would have an open environment to interact with their community.

Today we'll be hosting @adoptwombat and @gifdotgames on our new #LeoFinance Podcast: Chain Chatter

We'll be hosting the pod live on Discord, Twitter Live, FB & YT Live @ 4PM EST

Join us to hear our convo about #Blockchain startups and ask us questions live!

— LeoFinance (@FinanceLeo) October 20, 2022

The latest Crosschain Talk is today and you can check out the announcement post here:

Cross-Chain Roundtable on Hive ft. Wombat and Tezotopia Founders

This broadens the space of LEOfinance and opens up the community to possible new members. New community pages will bring new readers to Leofinance and your target audience could grow or maybe even explode, depending on what kind of content you create.
I still don't know the Name by which it will go but there was some good suggestions by the community already. Lets see who is the winner later on.

  • Discord is a must for the full LEO experience
  • There is much more (roles and priviliges to do certain things on Leofinance like accepting LEO tasks getting shoutouts etc.)
  • Check it out yourself for above reasons (if you read this comment your favorite dish at the end of a meaningful comment!)

The LEO glossary – further SEO optimization

This is an ongoing project and a few very dedicated community members are putting a lot of work into it. Basically you can find any major crypto or finance related term and link to the leo glossary post about it.
Start in the LEO GLOSSARY MAIN MENU and find the term you are looking for!

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Click on the term and it will lead you to another post. This is the post you can link in your text BODY. You can also use it for citation.
What is HIVE? Well you can find out by clicking on HIVE

Or you can quote from the original post:

Hive is a DPoS blockchain that acts as the backbone for a selection of tokenised communities and dApps.
A uniquely decentralised blockchain Hive is built on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) protocol ensuring it is fast and scalable.
Due to its unique distribution model, Hive has been battle tested against attacks and is a truly decentralised blockchain built for Web 3.0.

source: What is Hive crypto (HIVE)? - Hive Guide
Note you can always put sources in the end of your post as well. Important, if you did not write it: tell the source!

Why should you care about the leo glossary?

It helps a ton with SEO! Imagine thousands of posts always pointing to the same source. How many people will look for terms like: Peer to Peer or encryption or many other finance related terms.

More and more people will come to LEO because they found the description for one of the terms they are searching for.

For the @leoglossary team:
It could be helpful SEO wise if the questions would also be in the textbody:
What is HIVE?
What is finance?
What is peer to peer?
This might be helpful to get a few search engine hits from these direct questions.

Use the leo glossary as much as you can. I hope in one of the UI updates there will be a way to work with this menu in the editor. A button: add leo glossary link
This would give you a popup menu where you can look for the term you want to link.
Even better: scan for leo glossary terms and automatically link the corresponding glossary link. With options to only link each term once per post. Or you can switch it on and off for each different term as you please. (I have no clue how complicated this is to build, I just wish for this feature)


I got my payout in HBD HIVE and LEO now what?

DISCLAIMER in this post I will be talking about financial instruments that need your own thorough research! Non of the contents of this entire article should be taken as any form of financial advice. Do not consider any of the contents as an encouraging factor to trade with the mentioned assets. Always DYOR and never invest money you can not afford to lose. Crypto assets are high risk and volatile! Please trade responsibly!

Check your wallet on a regular basis! Check your transactions in the block explorer! If you see anything suspicious immediately change your keys. Investigate where it happened that your account got compromised. You need to act as fast as possible!
a good guide on how to change your keys and recovery account can be found HERE
Never sign any transaction without reading it, always verify you are on the right page! Never sign with your active keys unless you initiated the transaction! Never send your keys to anyone messaging you!

Ok enough of the drill.

Leofinance DEFI

Your have the ability to trade any NFT or Token on the HIVE blockchain and on its second layer the hive-engine.
There are so called DEXes (decentralized exchanges) where you can place buy and sell orders or swap tokens in a liquidity pool.

Leofinance has its own Dapp (decentralized application) called leodex. You can access it by clicking on the LEO Apps Menu

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Click on LeoDex and you will be taken to the opening page which is always the LEO market. So if you have SWAP.HIVE (hive-engine version of hive) you can exchange that for LEO and you can sell your LEO for SWAP.HIVE
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You can see there is a BUY and a SELL side where you can place orders. You can also decide that you don't want to wait for your order to get filled and buy LEO for the market price.

Below this you see the order book. Left the BUY side and right the SELL side.
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All orders on the BUY side are other hive users wanting to buy for the specific price they ordered. On the sell side the same is happening but people want to sell LEO and are asking for a specific price. A market order would buy for the lowest possible price which is the first row on the right side. For this price you can buy 20.469 LEO and would pay 2.13318 SWAP.HIVE if you would place a market order that exceeds that amount you would pay a higher price and could get 70.132 more for a slightly higher price.

You can decide on your own if you want to BUY or SELL your tokens.

What I use LEODEX for is actually growing my account not focusing on fast profits. If you click on the Wallet on Leodex you will see all your HIVE engine tokens.
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Some of these are stakable to earn your more curation rewards in the long term. By clicking on the lock symbol you can power up your hive engine tokens just as your LEO and HIVE.
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You can also claim unclaimed rewards on the second layer. Click on the Rewards tab and claim them by clicking on claim all.
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You can exchange every token that is listed on the DEX and research your tokens and projects by going to the tokens tab:
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My personal input on trading on the exchange is this. In the beginning when you are new to the chain I would concentrate on building my HIVE and LEO power. You can Power up many other tribe tokens depending on what tags you use and what front end you create on.

Let's go to the next step which takes us to our HIVE wallet.

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Your rewards for your posts will arrive here and there is several options you can use. As a new not so crypto savvy person I would suggest keeping things here for a while. You can put HBD into savings and earn 20% interest on it and you can power up your HIVE. This will make your account and vote value go up steadily as long as you create content and get rewarded for it. If you want to earn more than that 20% you can do so but this will take us off the HIVE blockchain and to the Binance Smart Chain.

If you click on the LEO Apps tab again you will find other apps. and we are going to

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CUB Finance

This will not be a full guide on how to do things on cubdefi but I will list some basics what you will need to be able to interact with the smart contracts and DEFI farms.

You will need a wallet on the Binance Smart Chain. If you want to know how to set up your Metamask Wallet @libertycrypto27 wrote a guide that you can follow from STEP2 and you will have the means to interact on BSC: Tutorial


Please read the full documentation CUBDEFI DOCS this quote is from there

Operational since March 2021, CubFinance is a DeFi platform that operates the Multi-Token Bridge (MTB). The MTB allows derivative assets to be permissionlessly swapped across blockchains and pooled on BNB Smart Chain (BSC) to earn yield and trade assets.

Meaning you can wrap HIVE and HBD from the HIVE blockchain to the binance smart chain.

You can then provide liquidity and stake your LP position to earn yield in form of CUB
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It is a lot of research that has to go into DEFI before you should participate. You can find out everything about CUBFINANCE in the CUBDEFI DOCS and the latest update about the


which is the heart of the LEO DEFI space.

Read the post and read the docs!
multi-token-bridge how it works.

I am farming in several pools and the CUB I earn goes straight into the KINGDOM where you can stake your cub and they will be auto compounding twice a day.

These are my farms:
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There is many good tutorials in the DOCS and you can find out how it works by doing your own research :D You should do that, before starting to shove tokens around.

Also you will need BNB the native token of the Binance Smart Chain for transaction fees. You don't really need a lot a few dollars should do to get you started.

You provide liquidity on pancakeswap and bring your LP tokens to CUBFINANCE to stake them in the farms. Always be cautious and doublecheck your transactions!

A similar project also done by the Leofinance team is Polycub

Polycub brings HIVE to the Matic network

Just as you can wrap your HBD and HIVE to the Binance Smart Chain you can do this with the Polygon Matic network as well. The model is slightly different but you can earn yield from farms. You can stake your yield to earn passive income on those.

Check it out yourself and read the DOCS

Centerpiece is again the Multi token Bridge that generates revenue for everyone owning a bit of the platform. Yes by holding the Governance token xPolycub (a staked version of POLYCUB) you can vote on changes to be made and yields to be assigned to certain farms.

How to do stuff over there?
You can find out in their tutorials in the docs! I am just showing you what you could do, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

Polycub Docs READ!

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  • the heart of the LEOfinance DEFI space is the MULTI TOKEN BRIDGE
  • you can span into many other blockchains and trade assets not traded on the hive engine exchanges
  • you can stake your HIVE and HBD liquidity to earn yield in form of CUB and POLYCUB
  • Read the freaking docs!

I think this concludes my series but if I should have missed anything I will do a follow up on this post.

Make sure to follow me so you don't miss out on it. (I am pretty sure I forgot something)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta




Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @torran

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


I did not know about the Twitter integration folded into the LeoFinance Discord, may have to head over there and check it out.

I've long believed that we should make use of legacy social media to highlight attention on Hive and LeoFinance much the same way they extract value out of our personal information. Like for like.

Oh, and my favorite dish is: PEPPERONI PIZZA!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for reading! You have to post your tweets manually but its pretty dope to connect all lions on twitter as well. You will be rewarded for reading the hidden message. Just gotta get in front of a pc!


You said I won your contest Friday. I don't know if you mentioned what the prize was in any of the three-part posts, what exactly did I win? I haven't seen anything come in yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Reason: I have not been at the PC. You won 1 HIVE


Excellent post, in fact saved for future consultations, a lot of information for a single night, I thank you for the great effort you have made.sl2 from Cuba.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think I will do a collection on where all three parts can be accessed.


It would be perfect because it takes a bit of work to access all three materials.


Well written detailed information covering alot of aspects of leoverse.

Enjoy your !1UP, cub/lion!


Thanks a lot! I believe I still have one more part, where I could cover everything I did not mention.


Congratulations @solymi! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

You distributed more than 60000 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 61000 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP


Dear @solymi,
Your support for the current Hive Authentication Services proposal (#194) is much appreciated but it will expire in a few days!
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal ( so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?
You can support the new proposal (#240) on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!


Dear @arcange I have voted for your proposal, the HAS is amazing, and really easy to use. Best way to log in when on the road.


Thank you for your support and your feedback @solymi, really appreciate it! 👍


Congratulations @solymi! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-10 - Winners List
Be ready for the 11th edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - November 1st 2022

Congratulations @solymi! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-10 - Winners List
Be ready for the 11th edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - November 1st 2022