RE: How I make money on a losing stock


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Over all does sound like a sink with the ship situation when things go south having to even spend more money to get out of a bad trade and doesn't sound like options are quick trades neither, if it exists is because ppl make money out of it but does sound like an instrument only for those experienced 😵‍💫


If it is a stock you are holding through thick or thin, that shouldn't be an issue. Intel for example got really rekt lately, but long term, I still believe it has a good future. Especially now with their AI focus. I see it as a 25% discount right now. That being said, I wouldn't panic and try to dump it if it lost another 5-10%. If you are in a position where you can't forget about the position for a year or two financially, it certainly it may not be a good choice. I used a real extreme examples, most of the time you could do weekly or monthly covered calls which are very short term.
