RE: Saturday Savers 2024 Progress Report - Week 18

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Blake's 7 woman, myself 😁

Great when you get to that dollar a day in HBD interest, a real milestone! I agree, I started using HBD last year as part of my real life savings for a particular expense. It worked very well and I've started building up again for the same expense next year.

Strange that people don't use their "free money", especially when it's paying themselves 50%. I think some people think that their vote is too small and won't count, although that's wrong, of course. You don't even have to read the post, you could just set up auto-votes for people that do good things on Hive.

Mind you, someone at work was telling me that there's something like £30m unclaimed pensions in the UK. We're asking for £1m of it for a forever fund (ie we invest it and use the income).


Ah Blakes 7 ... amazing series ! A triumph of incredible acting and script writing over wobbly sets and budget restrictions.

The father of my first girlfriend was one of the sound engineers on B7 and the original Doctor Who. He used to joke that the special effects and props budget was so limited (£50 an episode) that on Blakes 7 the actresses would draw lots to decide who got the one bra for that week.....
