Three Tune Tuesday : B-Siding the Kinks


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For this week's #threetunetuesday, as inspired by @ablaze, I thought of some old Kinks songs. Years ago in the days of used cassettes, I picked up a cassette at a local used record store called Deaf Ear. I have since long last that album, and after searching the Google machine for it, I've come up empty. It was a standard cassette with two sides and featured some wonderful songs that made me grow to appreciate the Davies and the Kinks even more. And yes, I played this music too at the local Avis Rent a Car in the height of late 1990's jam bands. What can you do?

The Kinks : I Need You


For the most part, everyone knows All Day and the Night and You Really Got Me, but this b-side all features those Kink harmonies and chainsaw guitars. I'm always preferred All Day as my favorite of this time the band, but I Need You is a close second.

The Kinks : She's Got Everything


I don't know if this one was inspired by the Beatles or not, but this song harks back to those piano licks in the background and ringing guitars on the time-change chorus. Not a Rickenbacker sound, whatsoever, as they kept the protopunk sound in place for this b-side. Another easy one they probably wrote in a day or two, and then recorded in another day or two. I have no idea, but they could definitely generate material in their day.

The Kinks : I'm Not Like Everyone Else


For the last one, I wanted to share Dave Davie's I'm Not Like Everyone Else. This one sort of fits the year it was made: 1966. With pop music pushing boundaries every day of that year, the Kinks kind of gave a big "f you" to everyone and let the world know they were going to do their own thing. Which they pretty much did for most of the late 1960's and early 1970's. Always one to march to their own beat, and for the most part, not get the same kind of attention as the Stones or Beatles or even the Who, the Kinks were quintessential 1960's Brit pop. This song, like most of their work, is a testament to that fact of their originality and stubbornness.


Yes! The Kinks! Even their B Sides are awesome, and I'm Not Like Everyone Else is really all about them, isn't it? One of my favourite songs.


That's what I'm talking about!!! Some cracking tunes right here and B-sides to boot, nice work man. Groovy tunes as usual.

I don't know if this one was inspired by the Beatles or not

Well they most certainly look like the Beatles and there is a distinctive Beatles vibe to this one for sure, but sure that can only be a good thing right?

With pop music pushing boundaries every day of that year, the Kinks kind of gave a big "f you" to everyone and let the world know they were going to do their own thing. Which they pretty much did for most of the late 1960's and early 1970's. Always one to march to their own beat, and for the most part, not get the same kind of attention as the Stones or Beatles or even the Who, the Kinks were quintessential 1960's Brit pop.

Ya sums the Kinks up very well, well and truly their own men and would march to their beat and no one else's..
