Captivity Or A Dark World?

A castle with endless walls and small windows facing the misty forest. Elf Noah had been imprisoned in this place for centuries and his heart was beating for the outside world.

The reason he was imprisoned in this castle was a curse he was born with. The monster that lived inside him would show itself from time to time, and in such situations, if anyone was around Noah, he would be torn to pieces and lose his life.

Noah had thought to himself many times why the gods had cursed him. Maybe he had committed many crimes in his previous life and now he had to retaliate in this way. Yes, this interpretation seemed reasonable.

Every night he looked out of the window at the black sky full of night stars and talked to the gods.
"I know you can see me from up there and hear my voice. Please remove this curse from me and let me step into the outside world.

I have heard from the castle guards that the people outside celebrate every night, dance with each other and eat delicious food. I would really like to experience all of this.

So please remove the curse from me and let me step into the outside world."

And finally one night one of the gods paid attention to his prayer and opened his wings and came down from above and entered through one of the small windows of the castle.

He had long black hair, silver eyes that shone like stars, and a wicked smile on his lips. Seeing him, Noah shouted with joy and said:
"I know who you are. Lord Eliana, God of Chaos."

"And yet you are glad to see me?"

"Yes, I would welcome any god willing to help me, even you, Lord Eliana."

Eliana put his arm around his shoulders and led him to a bench and they both sat on it.

"I have to tell you, the other gods have no interest in saving you from this situation. In fact, they connived with each other to put that curse on you."

Noah was shocked.
"But why?"

"Your curse is a collection of the most dangerous dark forces. Many, many centuries ago, this collection stepped in the world and caused many disasters. The gods tried hard to lock it inside the body of an elf, but all bodies rejected the collection until finally your body accepted it while you were still in your mother's womb.

"What a misfortune! Of all these elves my body should have accepted the collection."

Eliana raised his hand and placed it on Noah's cheek.
"Don't be sad, dear Noah. I will remove the curse from your body and when your guards see you don't turn into a monster anymore, they will have no reason to keep you here."

Noah thought. Should he have allowed the God of Chaos to help him? Yes, deep down he wanted to get rid of the curse and be freed from the castle and live in the outside world. A simple wish, something that the rest of the elves had.

But what will be the use of living in a world that has been turned into a ruin by the curse? He wanted to see a beautiful and happy world, not something like his present.

Tears rolled in his eyes and he pushed Eliana's hand away.
"No, Lord Eliana. I cannot accept your help. I am willing to suffer, but this world will remain beautiful as it is."

Eliana smiled crookedly and said:
"What a great sacrifice, but my poor elf, you don't know, and maybe you never will, that living in a dark and gloomy world would be much more enjoyable for you than being a prisoner in this castle.

Now I'm leaving here, but whenever you change your mind and call me, I'll come back to you."

And he got up and went to the window and spread his wings and flew to the sky. Noah watched him go, and his heart shed bloody tears in his chest.

