RE: PowerUp 💪 December - Vacations are OVER!


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Seeing the hardware is awesome. I always love to see the stuff powering the networks that I'm using, especially larger ones that are complex and use fiber.


Next year CPUs are going to kill it... 700 W dies.. Not sure how vendors are going to cool them, but water cooling solutions will need to become creative... normal low-profile stuff will not work without huge amounts of flow rate.

In some of the larger supercomputers, some of the networks are also water cooled already, mostly because NVIDIA InfiniBand or 400Gbps and above networks are already quite power hungry... mostly because of the optics.

...and GPUs probably going to reach 900W next year too, with the successor of the H200. Just all crazy to think about when you have to ask datacenters to support racks of 90-150kw of cooling. Usually normal datacenters want around 25kw of cooling max per rack, so they take advantage of the free cooling situations. So, these ranges demand way a lot more thinking... and this might be where 2-stage cooling solutions will need to start entering the market because otherwise POE of datacenters with single stage solutions is going UPPP UP UP!

Had a lot of fun... would recommend to anyone that wishes to know more about infrastructure and large scale software solutions that aim to solve world-size problems.

And don't buy the expensive pass, do just the one that allows you to visit the booths. More than enough.. and its like 250 US$ I think.
