Chapter 4: The Mask Killer

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The Mask Killer

Chapter 4

In the previous chapter, Caxemina almost managed to catch the suspect in the mask, but he was able to escape with a dirty trick. We invite you to read the continuation of the story…

Police arrive to help Caxemina who is in shock from the pepper spray and flour in his eyes. She wipes her face and then orders the officers to surround the perimeter. Maybe they can find the killer or get some important clues.

Meanwhile, she goes to the musical instrument store in search of Eduardo, knocks on the door and he opens it, greets her in a very cordial manner telling her that he had missed her. She does not pay much attention to his words, she must keep her distance and do her work.

She sits in a chair while Eduardo arrives with a cup of coffee. They start the conversation then she tells him about the murderer they are looking for and about the piano strings, their only clue to get to the murderer.

"Eduardo, have you noticed who has come in to buy piano strings during the last 48 hours?"

"Several have come to buy piano strings, we are the only ones in town that sell them, so a lot of people come to buy, it's hard to know exactly who we sell to, but it might help you in your investigation. We can identify the people who come to buy," the store owner replied.

"I would appreciate it if you could give us that information."

She gets ready to leave, but Eduardo stops her by grabbing her shoulders, Caxemina can't resist this charming man. He approaches to give her a second kiss, and at that moment the employee enters, scaring the couple. The employee apologizes for the intrusion.

"Eduardo, someone ordered some new piano strings," the clerk says.

Caxemina listens with great interest. Then he says, "You, you might have recognized him," the clerk replies with a nod.

"That person lives a few blocks from here." The detective leaves the warehouse saying goodbye to the two men. She calls her officers to accompany her to question a possible suspect.

The cops head to the suspect's house no one is there. They knock again, but there is no response. The radiotelephone rings informing about a murder attempt on a girl, they immediately go to where they report the fact. Caxemina and the officers immediately arrive on the scene, the girl is very scared and in shock. The detective begins to ask the young woman a series of questions.

The woman describes what the killer looks like, then comments, "I couldn't see his face because of the mask he was wearing". The girl continued with her narrative, "the masked man wanted to strangle me with a piano wire, at that moment a boy passed by and helped me. The masked man ran away without being able to finish the act. The boy followed him, but got lost in the middle of the grove."

Caxemina orders the perimeter searched as she returns to the house of the possible suspect. She stands in front of the house looks around, turns her head, and sees a man coming. He stops and stares at her, in an instant he runs like hell. The detective runs after him yelling at him to stop, it looks like he is going to run away, if he manages to reach the crowd she will lose him. They continue running one after the other, at that moment Eduardo appears and rushes at the suspect, the detective arrives and stops him. Caxemina thanks Eduardo and takes the suspect to the police station.

To be continued...
Link part 3


Sources of the post images Source 1 Source 2
Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres


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¡Thanks for you reading!




Incredible story. I love a good mysteries. Need to read the previous chapters.


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Excellent start week.
