Jiggling my LEO/ BNB for SPS/ BNB


Given that the return on the bLEO-BNB pool on Cub Finance is now relatively low at only...14.5%

Screenshot 20220815 at 14.01.22.png

I'm gradually unpooling my LEO and sending that back to LEOFINANCE to Power Up for a sightly better return.

And at the same time I'm swapping my Cub for SPS (I've got quite a lot of Cub already!) an then matching the BNB I've taken out of the bleo-BNB pool and pooling that BNB with SPS...

Screenshot 20220815 at 14.01.42.png

This way you not only get the Cub returns on that pool but you also get the SPS returns through Splinterlands...

Screenshot 20220815 at 14.02.30.png

Given the difference in yield between the two pools, this means my BNB is working around 6 times harder in that later pool.

I've also got so much SPS that I don't risking some with BNB, more SPS than LEO - and I just feel LEO has more utility Powered Up - using it to curate was it's original purpose after all!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
