HIQS:BEE - An interesting new Pool on Hive-Engine


I'd been holding my BEE tokens in the BEE-HBD pool for several months of this year (2022) but I noticed recently that the rewards for pooling ended (one does tend to keep an eye on this sort of thing!)

So I took all of my BEE out of there, a while back now, and it's been sitting idle in my H-E wallet a few weeks.

And happy days today I discovered a cheeky little new offering feature HIQS shares and BEE - offering a pretty tasty > 50% return...

Screenshot 20221003 at 08.32.36.png

You can find details of what tokens are offered as part of the reward package here: BEE:HIQS pool.

There's an impressive array of tokens on offer in the rewards, too many to usefully screenshot but there are A LOT - including BEE, HIQS, SPS, ONEUP and many more!

The overall return ATW is pretty decent...

Screenshot 20221003 at 08.32.24.png

What is HIQS...?

They are basically shares in the HIQ (HIVE) magazine, which I was super impressed with at HiveFEST...

It's online and in real life, HIQ account on PEAKD here.

I'm not even sure what the return rate is outside of the pool, but defo a project worth supporting IMO so I was happy enough to swap a little Hive and some BEE to get into this pool!

NB I had to use tribaldex to add liquidity to this pool, my usual BEESWAP hasn't added in the option ATW.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
